C# Class Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.PersistentConnection

Represents a connection between client and server.
ファイルを表示 Open project: FabianGosebrink/ASPNET-Core-Angular2-SignalR-Typescript

Private Properties

Property Type Description
AppendGroupPrefixes IList
CreateConnection Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Infrastructure.Connection
FailResponse System.Threading.Tasks.Task
GetDefaultSignals IList
GetTransport ITransport
GetUserIdentity string
IsNegotiationRequest bool
IsPingRequest bool
IsStartRequest bool
ProcessNegotiationRequest System.Threading.Tasks.Task
ProcessPingRequest System.Threading.Tasks.Task
ProcessStartRequest System.Threading.Tasks.Task
SendJsonResponse System.Threading.Tasks.Task
TryGetConnectionId bool
VerifyGroups IList

Public Methods

Method Description
Authorize ( HttpRequest request ) : bool
Initialize ( IServiceProvider serviceProvider ) : void
ProcessRequest ( HttpContext context ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

OWIN entry point.

ProcessRequestCore ( HttpContext context ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Handles all requests for PersistentConnections.

Protected Methods

Method Description
AuthorizeRequest ( HttpRequest request ) : bool

Called before every request and gives the user a authorize the user.

GetSignals ( string userId, string connectionId ) : IList

Returns the signals used in the PersistentConnection.

OnConnected ( HttpRequest request, string connectionId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Called when a new connection is made.

OnDisconnected ( HttpRequest request, string connectionId, bool stopCalled ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Called when a connection disconnects gracefully or due to a timeout.

OnReceived ( HttpRequest request, string connectionId, string data ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Called when data is received from a connection.

OnReconnected ( HttpRequest request, string connectionId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Called when a connection reconnects after a timeout.

OnRejoiningGroups ( HttpRequest request, IList groups, string connectionId ) : IList

Called when a connection reconnects after a timeout to determine which groups should be rejoined.

Private Methods

Method Description
AppendGroupPrefixes ( HttpContext context, string connectionId, string groupsToken ) : IList
CreateConnection ( string connectionId, IList signals, IList groups ) : Connection
FailResponse ( HttpResponse response, string message, int statusCode = 400 ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
GetDefaultSignals ( string userId, string connectionId ) : IList
GetTransport ( HttpContext context ) : ITransport
GetUserIdentity ( HttpContext context ) : string
IsNegotiationRequest ( HttpRequest request ) : bool
IsPingRequest ( HttpRequest request ) : bool
IsStartRequest ( HttpRequest request ) : bool
ProcessNegotiationRequest ( HttpContext context ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
ProcessPingRequest ( HttpContext context ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
ProcessStartRequest ( HttpContext context, string connectionId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
SendJsonResponse ( HttpContext context, string jsonPayload ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
TryGetConnectionId ( HttpContext context, string connectionToken, string &connectionId, string &message, int &statusCode ) : bool
VerifyGroups ( string connectionId, string groupsToken ) : IList

Method Details

Authorize() public method

public Authorize ( HttpRequest request ) : bool
request HttpRequest
return bool

AuthorizeRequest() protected method

Called before every request and gives the user a authorize the user.
protected AuthorizeRequest ( HttpRequest request ) : bool
request HttpRequest The for the current connection.
return bool

GetSignals() protected method

Returns the signals used in the PersistentConnection.
protected GetSignals ( string userId, string connectionId ) : IList
userId string The user id for the current connection.
connectionId string The id of the incoming connection.
return IList

Initialize() public method

public Initialize ( IServiceProvider serviceProvider ) : void
serviceProvider IServiceProvider
return void

OnConnected() protected method

Called when a new connection is made.
protected OnConnected ( HttpRequest request, string connectionId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
request HttpRequest The for the current connection.
connectionId string The id of the connecting client.
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

OnDisconnected() protected method

Called when a connection disconnects gracefully or due to a timeout.
protected OnDisconnected ( HttpRequest request, string connectionId, bool stopCalled ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
request HttpRequest The for the current connection.
connectionId string The id of the disconnected connection.
stopCalled bool /// true, if stop was called on the client closing the connection gracefully; /// false, if the connection has been lost for longer than the /// . /// Timeouts can occur in scaleout when clients reconnect with another server. ///
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

OnReceived() protected method

Called when data is received from a connection.
protected OnReceived ( HttpRequest request, string connectionId, string data ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
request HttpRequest The for the current connection.
connectionId string The id of the connection sending the data.
data string The payload sent to the connection.
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

OnReconnected() protected method

Called when a connection reconnects after a timeout.
protected OnReconnected ( HttpRequest request, string connectionId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
request HttpRequest The for the current connection.
connectionId string The id of the re-connecting client.
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

OnRejoiningGroups() protected method

Called when a connection reconnects after a timeout to determine which groups should be rejoined.
protected OnRejoiningGroups ( HttpRequest request, IList groups, string connectionId ) : IList
request HttpRequest The for the current connection.
groups IList The groups the calling connection claims to be part of.
connectionId string The id of the reconnecting client.
return IList

ProcessRequest() public method

OWIN entry point.
public ProcessRequest ( HttpContext context ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
context HttpContext
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

ProcessRequestCore() public method

Handles all requests for PersistentConnections.
/// Thrown if the transport wasn't specified. /// Thrown if the connection id wasn't specified. ///
public ProcessRequestCore ( HttpContext context ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
context HttpContext The for the current request.
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task