C# Class MediaPortal.Player.g_Player

ファイルを表示 Open project: MediaPortal/MediaPortal-1 Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Starting bool
_currentMediaForBassEngine MediaType
_mediaInfo MediaInfoWrapper
configLoaded bool

Public Methods

Method Description
AudioLanguage ( int iStream ) : string

Property to get the name for an audio stream

AudioType ( int iStream ) : string

Property to get the type of an audio stream

ContinueGraph ( ) : void
EditionLanguage ( int iStream ) : string
EditionType ( int iStream ) : string

Property to get the type of an edition stream

GetAudioDualMonoMode ( ) : eAudioDualMonoMode
GetHDC ( ) : int
GetSeekStep ( bool &bStart, bool &bEnd ) : int
GetSingleStep ( int Step ) : string

This function returns the localized time units for "Step" (seconds) in human readable format.

GetStepDescription ( ) : string
GetVideoFormat ( ) : VideoStreamFormat
Init ( ) : void
IsBDDirectory ( string path ) : bool
IsDvdDirectory ( string path ) : bool
JumpToNextChapter ( ) : bool
JumpToPrevChapter ( ) : bool
LoadChaptersFromString ( string chapters ) : bool
LoadDriveSpeed ( ) : void

Retrieve the CD/DVD Speed set in the config file

LoadSettings ( ) : ArrayList

Read the configuration file to get the skip steps

OnAction ( MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action ) : bool
OnChanged ( string newFile ) : void
OnEnded ( ) : void
OnStarted ( ) : void
OnStopped ( ) : void
OnZapping ( int info ) : void
Pause ( ) : void
PauseGraph ( ) : void
Play ( string strFile ) : bool
Play ( string strFile, MediaType type ) : bool
Play ( string strFile, MediaType type, TextReader chapters, bool fromPictures, int title, bool forcePlay, bool fromExtTS ) : bool
Play ( string strFile, MediaType type, int title, bool forcePlay ) : bool
Play ( string strFile, MediaType type, string chapters ) : bool
Play ( string strFile, MediaType type, string chapters, bool fromTVPlugin ) : bool
PlayAudioStream ( string strURL ) : bool
PlayAudioStream ( string strURL, bool isMusicVideo ) : bool
PlayBD ( string strPath ) : bool
PlayDVD ( ) : bool
PlayDVD ( string strPath ) : bool
PlayVideoStream ( string strURL ) : bool
PlayVideoStream ( string strURL, string streamName ) : bool
Process ( ) : void
RefreshMadVrVideo ( ) : void
Release ( ) : void
ReleaseHDC ( int HDC ) : void
RenderSubtitles ( ) : void
SeekAbsolute ( double dTime ) : void
SeekAsolutePercentage ( int iPercentage ) : void
SeekRelative ( double dTime ) : void
SeekRelativePercentage ( int iPercentage ) : void
SeekStep ( bool bFF ) : void
SetAudioDualMonoMode ( eAudioDualMonoMode mode ) : bool
SetVideoWindow ( ) : void
ShowFullScreenWindow ( ) : bool

This function opens a fullscreen window for the current player. It returns whether a fullscreen window could be opened. It tries the three handlers in this order: - ShowFullScreenWindowTV - ShowFullScreenWindowVideo - ShowFullScreenWindowOther The idea is to have a central location for deciding what window to open for fullscreen.

ShowFullScreenWindowOtherDefault ( ) : bool
ShowFullScreenWindowTVDefault ( ) : bool

The default handler does only work if a player is active. However, GUITVHome and TvPlugin.TVHOME, both set their own hook to enable fullscreen tv for non-player live TV.

ShowFullScreenWindowVideoDefault ( ) : bool
StepNow ( ) : void
Stop ( ) : void
Stop ( bool keepExclusiveModeOn ) : void
StopAndKeepTimeShifting ( ) : void
SubtitleLanguage ( int iStream ) : string

Property to get/set the name for a subtitle stream

SubtitleName ( int iStream ) : string

Retrieves the name of the subtitle stream

SwitchToNextAudio ( ) : void

Switches to the next audio stream. Calls are directly pushed to the embedded player. And care is taken not to do multiple calls to the player.

SwitchToNextEdition ( ) : void

Switches to the next edition stream. Calls are directly pushed to the embedded player. And care is taken not to do multiple calls to the player.

SwitchToNextSubtitle ( ) : void

Switches to the next subtitle stream

SwitchToNextVideo ( ) : void

Switches to the next video stream. Calls are directly pushed to the embedded player. And care is taken not to do multiple calls to the player.

UnableToPlay ( string FileName, MediaType type ) : void
UpdateMediaInfoProperties ( ) : void
VideoName ( int iStream ) : string
VideoType ( int iStream ) : string

Property to get the type of an edition stream

WndProc ( Message &m ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CachePlayer ( ) : void
CachePreviousPlayer ( IPlayer newPlayer ) : IPlayer
ChangeDriveSpeed ( string strFile, DriveType drivetype ) : void

Changes the speed of a drive to the value set in configuration

CheckExtension ( string filename ) : bool
ConvertToNewStyle ( string strSteps ) : string
IsFileUsedbyAnotherProcess ( string file ) : bool
LoadChapters ( TextReader chaptersReader ) : bool
LoadChapters ( string videoFile ) : bool
NextChapterTime ( double currentPos ) : double
OldStyle ( string strSteps ) : bool
OnAudioTracksReady ( ) : void
OnGammaContrastBrightnessChanged ( ) : void
OnMessage ( GUIMessage message ) : void

OnTVChannelChanged ( ) : void
OnVideoWindowChanged ( ) : void
PreviousChapterTime ( double currentPos ) : double
RefreshRateChangePending ( ) : bool
doStop ( bool keepTimeShifting, bool keepExclusiveModeOn ) : void
g_Player ( ) : System

Method Details

AudioLanguage() public static method

Property to get the name for an audio stream
public static AudioLanguage ( int iStream ) : string
iStream int
return string

AudioType() public static method

Property to get the type of an audio stream
public static AudioType ( int iStream ) : string
iStream int
return string

ContinueGraph() public static method

public static ContinueGraph ( ) : void
return void

EditionLanguage() public static method

public static EditionLanguage ( int iStream ) : string
iStream int
return string

EditionType() public static method

Property to get the type of an edition stream
public static EditionType ( int iStream ) : string
iStream int
return string

GetAudioDualMonoMode() public static method

public static GetAudioDualMonoMode ( ) : eAudioDualMonoMode
return eAudioDualMonoMode

GetHDC() public static method

public static GetHDC ( ) : int
return int

GetSeekStep() public static method

public static GetSeekStep ( bool &bStart, bool &bEnd ) : int
bStart bool
bEnd bool
return int

GetSingleStep() public static method

This function returns the localized time units for "Step" (seconds) in human readable format.
public static GetSingleStep ( int Step ) : string
Step int
return string

GetStepDescription() public static method

public static GetStepDescription ( ) : string
return string

GetVideoFormat() public static method

public static GetVideoFormat ( ) : VideoStreamFormat
return VideoStreamFormat

Init() public static method

public static Init ( ) : void
return void

IsBDDirectory() public static method

public static IsBDDirectory ( string path ) : bool
path string
return bool

IsDvdDirectory() public static method

public static IsDvdDirectory ( string path ) : bool
path string
return bool

JumpToNextChapter() public static method

public static JumpToNextChapter ( ) : bool
return bool

JumpToPrevChapter() public static method

public static JumpToPrevChapter ( ) : bool
return bool

LoadChaptersFromString() public static method

public static LoadChaptersFromString ( string chapters ) : bool
chapters string
return bool

LoadDriveSpeed() public static method

Retrieve the CD/DVD Speed set in the config file
public static LoadDriveSpeed ( ) : void
return void

LoadSettings() public static method

Read the configuration file to get the skip steps
public static LoadSettings ( ) : ArrayList
return System.Collections.ArrayList

OnAction() public static method

public static OnAction ( MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action action ) : bool
action MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action
return bool

OnChanged() public static method

public static OnChanged ( string newFile ) : void
newFile string
return void

OnEnded() public static method

public static OnEnded ( ) : void
return void

OnStarted() public static method

public static OnStarted ( ) : void
return void

OnStopped() public static method

public static OnStopped ( ) : void
return void

OnZapping() public static method

public static OnZapping ( int info ) : void
info int
return void

Pause() public static method

public static Pause ( ) : void
return void

PauseGraph() public static method

public static PauseGraph ( ) : void
return void

Play() public static method

public static Play ( string strFile ) : bool
strFile string
return bool

Play() public static method

public static Play ( string strFile, MediaType type ) : bool
strFile string
type MediaType
return bool

Play() public static method

public static Play ( string strFile, MediaType type, TextReader chapters, bool fromPictures, int title, bool forcePlay, bool fromExtTS ) : bool
strFile string
type MediaType
chapters TextReader
fromPictures bool
title int
forcePlay bool
fromExtTS bool
return bool

Play() public static method

public static Play ( string strFile, MediaType type, int title, bool forcePlay ) : bool
strFile string
type MediaType
title int
forcePlay bool
return bool

Play() public static method

public static Play ( string strFile, MediaType type, string chapters ) : bool
strFile string
type MediaType
chapters string
return bool

Play() public static method

public static Play ( string strFile, MediaType type, string chapters, bool fromTVPlugin ) : bool
strFile string
type MediaType
chapters string
fromTVPlugin bool
return bool

PlayAudioStream() public static method

public static PlayAudioStream ( string strURL ) : bool
strURL string
return bool

PlayAudioStream() public static method

public static PlayAudioStream ( string strURL, bool isMusicVideo ) : bool
strURL string
isMusicVideo bool
return bool

PlayBD() public static method

public static PlayBD ( string strPath ) : bool
strPath string
return bool

PlayDVD() public static method

public static PlayDVD ( ) : bool
return bool

PlayDVD() public static method

public static PlayDVD ( string strPath ) : bool
strPath string
return bool

PlayVideoStream() public static method

public static PlayVideoStream ( string strURL ) : bool
strURL string
return bool

PlayVideoStream() public static method

public static PlayVideoStream ( string strURL, string streamName ) : bool
strURL string
streamName string
return bool

Process() public static method

public static Process ( ) : void
return void

RefreshMadVrVideo() public static method

public static RefreshMadVrVideo ( ) : void
return void

Release() public static method

public static Release ( ) : void
return void

ReleaseHDC() public static method

public static ReleaseHDC ( int HDC ) : void
HDC int
return void

RenderSubtitles() public static method

public static RenderSubtitles ( ) : void
return void

SeekAbsolute() public static method

public static SeekAbsolute ( double dTime ) : void
dTime double
return void

SeekAsolutePercentage() public static method

public static SeekAsolutePercentage ( int iPercentage ) : void
iPercentage int
return void

SeekRelative() public static method

public static SeekRelative ( double dTime ) : void
dTime double
return void

SeekRelativePercentage() public static method

public static SeekRelativePercentage ( int iPercentage ) : void
iPercentage int
return void

SeekStep() public static method

public static SeekStep ( bool bFF ) : void
bFF bool
return void

SetAudioDualMonoMode() public static method

public static SetAudioDualMonoMode ( eAudioDualMonoMode mode ) : bool
mode eAudioDualMonoMode
return bool

SetVideoWindow() public static method

public static SetVideoWindow ( ) : void
return void

ShowFullScreenWindow() public static method

This function opens a fullscreen window for the current player. It returns whether a fullscreen window could be opened. It tries the three handlers in this order: - ShowFullScreenWindowTV - ShowFullScreenWindowVideo - ShowFullScreenWindowOther The idea is to have a central location for deciding what window to open for fullscreen.
public static ShowFullScreenWindow ( ) : bool
return bool

ShowFullScreenWindowOtherDefault() public static method

public static ShowFullScreenWindowOtherDefault ( ) : bool
return bool

ShowFullScreenWindowTVDefault() public static method

The default handler does only work if a player is active. However, GUITVHome and TvPlugin.TVHOME, both set their own hook to enable fullscreen tv for non-player live TV.
public static ShowFullScreenWindowTVDefault ( ) : bool
return bool

ShowFullScreenWindowVideoDefault() public static method

public static ShowFullScreenWindowVideoDefault ( ) : bool
return bool

StepNow() public static method

public static StepNow ( ) : void
return void

Stop() public static method

public static Stop ( ) : void
return void

Stop() public static method

public static Stop ( bool keepExclusiveModeOn ) : void
keepExclusiveModeOn bool
return void

StopAndKeepTimeShifting() public static method

public static StopAndKeepTimeShifting ( ) : void
return void

SubtitleLanguage() public static method

Property to get/set the name for a subtitle stream
public static SubtitleLanguage ( int iStream ) : string
iStream int
return string

SubtitleName() public static method

Retrieves the name of the subtitle stream
public static SubtitleName ( int iStream ) : string
iStream int Index of the stream
return string

SwitchToNextAudio() public static method

Switches to the next audio stream. Calls are directly pushed to the embedded player. And care is taken not to do multiple calls to the player.
public static SwitchToNextAudio ( ) : void
return void

SwitchToNextEdition() public static method

Switches to the next edition stream. Calls are directly pushed to the embedded player. And care is taken not to do multiple calls to the player.
public static SwitchToNextEdition ( ) : void
return void

SwitchToNextSubtitle() public static method

Switches to the next subtitle stream
public static SwitchToNextSubtitle ( ) : void
return void

SwitchToNextVideo() public static method

Switches to the next video stream. Calls are directly pushed to the embedded player. And care is taken not to do multiple calls to the player.
public static SwitchToNextVideo ( ) : void
return void

UnableToPlay() public static method

public static UnableToPlay ( string FileName, MediaType type ) : void
FileName string
type MediaType
return void

UpdateMediaInfoProperties() public static method

public static UpdateMediaInfoProperties ( ) : void
return void

VideoName() public static method

public static VideoName ( int iStream ) : string
iStream int
return string

VideoType() public static method

Property to get the type of an edition stream
public static VideoType ( int iStream ) : string
iStream int
return string

WndProc() public static method

public static WndProc ( Message &m ) : void
m Message
return void

Property Details

Starting public_oe static_oe property

public static bool Starting
return bool

_currentMediaForBassEngine public_oe static_oe property

public static MediaType _currentMediaForBassEngine
return MediaType

_mediaInfo public_oe static_oe property

public static MediaInfoWrapper _mediaInfo
return MediaInfoWrapper

configLoaded public_oe static_oe property

public static bool configLoaded
return bool