C# Class Log.Detail

This is a single detail for the log. TODO(kai): describe this better.
ファイルを表示 Open project: YourLocalFax/OLD-Score

Public Properties

Property Type Description
message string
span Source.Span
type Type

Public Methods

Method Description
Detail ( Type type, Span span, string message ) : System.Collections.Generic

Method Details

Detail() public method

public Detail ( Type type, Span span, string message ) : System.Collections.Generic
type Type
span Source.Span
message string
return System.Collections.Generic

Property Details

message public_oe property

This details (hopefully) descriptive message. TODO(kai): Figure out a way to easily provide formatted messages.
public string message
return string

span public_oe property

Where in the source file this detail explains.
public Span,Source span
return Source.Span

type public_oe property

The type of this detail.
public Type type
return Type