C# Class LSharp.Pair

Each node in a Lisp list is called a pair or cons cell. The first of the pair points to the element the pair is holding. The rest of the pair points to the next pair in the list, or null signifying the end of the list.
Inheritance: Sequence
ファイルを表示 Open project: RobBlackwell/LSharp Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Cons ( object element ) : ISequence
First ( ) : object
Pair ( Object element ) : System
Pair ( Object first, ISequence rest ) : System
Rest ( ) : ISequence

Method Details

Cons() public method

public Cons ( object element ) : ISequence
element object
return ISequence

First() public method

public First ( ) : object
return object

Pair() public method

public Pair ( Object element ) : System
element Object
return System

Pair() public method

public Pair ( Object first, ISequence rest ) : System
first Object
rest ISequence
return System

Rest() public method

public Rest ( ) : ISequence
return ISequence