C# Class KMotion_dotNet.KM_Interpreter

Interpreter class representing the GCodeInterpreter.cpp object from the C++ Dynotion Code Use to control multiple axis motion from the NIST RS274 Interpreter
Inheritance: IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: parhansson/KMotionX

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
InterpreterCompletedHandler KM_GCodeInterpreterCompleteHandler
InterpreterStatusUpdatedHandler KM_GCodeInterpreterStatusHandler
InterpreterUserCallbackRequestedHandler KM_GCodeInterpreterUserCallbackHandler
InterpreterUserMCodeCallbackRequestedHandler KM_GCodeInterpreterUserMcodeCallbackHandler
_ErrorLength int
_InstanceHandle System.IntPtr
_Loaded bool
_SetupParams KM_Interpreter_SetupParams

Public Methods

Method Description
Abort ( ) : void

Abort Intpreter Execution

ChangeFixtureNumber ( int fixture ) : void

Set the current fixture

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsA ( double a ) : double

Takes ABS "A" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsB ( double b ) : double

Takes ABS "B" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsC ( double c ) : double

Takes ABS "C" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsX ( double x ) : double

Takes ABS "X" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsY ( double y ) : double

Takes ABS "Y" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsZ ( double z ) : double

Takes ABS "Z" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units

ConvertAbsoluteToInterpreterCoord ( double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c, double &xp, double &yp, double &zp, double &ap, double &bp, double &cp ) : void

Convert Absolute to Interpreter Coordinates

ConvertAbsoluteToMachine ( double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c, double &xp, double &yp, double &zp, double &ap, double &bp, double &cp ) : void

Convert Absolute to Machine Coordinates

Dispose ( ) : void

Releases the object resources

DoExecute ( ) : int

Internal Use only?

ExecutePC ( string name ) : int

Calling this spawns a Windows PC Application by the specified name

GetMcodeAction ( int index, MCODE_TYPE &type, double &val1, double &val2, double &val3, double &val4, double &val5, string &name ) : void

Gets an MCode Action definition

GetOrigin ( int index, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void

Gets the Origin offset

Halt ( ) : void

Halt Intpreter Execution

InchesToUserUnits ( double inches ) : double

Takes in an inch value and returns the value in Interpreter's current units

InitializeInterpreter ( ) : void

Resets the interpreter params to the inital state

Interpret ( string fname ) : int

Interpret an entire File

Interpret ( string fname, int start, int end, int restart ) : int

Interpret a File with the functionality to only interpret a portion of the file (useful for resuming execution after a program stoppage)

InvokeAction ( int i, bool flushbeforeunbufferedoperation ) : int

Invokes a preset "Action" Will need clarification on how to setup these Actions

KM_Interpreter ( KM_CoordMotion coordmotion ) : System

Primary constructor for the KM_Interpreter object

ReadAndSynchCurInterpreterPosition ( double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void

Syncronizes the Interpreter Position to the current Axes Positions

ReadCurInterpreterPosition ( double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void

Syncronizes the Interpreter Position to the current Axes Positions

ReadCurMachinePosition ( double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void

Read Hardware and convert to Absolute Machine Coordinates

SetMcodeAction ( int index, MCODE_TYPE type, double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4, double val5, string name ) : void

Sets an MCode Action definition

SetOrigin ( int index, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c ) : void

Sets the origin offset

UserUnitsToInches ( double units ) : double

Takes in a value as Interpreter's current units and returns the value in Inches

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetIsAbort ( ) : bool

KM_Interpreter Abort Condition

GetIsHalt ( ) : bool

KM_Interpreter Halt Condition

Get_CanResume ( ) : bool

Get KM_Interpreter possible to resume after a halt

Get_ResumeDoSafeFeedZ ( ) : bool

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed to be performed

Get_ResumeFeedRate ( ) : double

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be used

Get_ResumeFeedSafeZ ( ) : double

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used

Get_ResumeMoveToSafeZ ( ) : bool

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion to be performed

Get_ResumeRestoreFeedRate ( ) : bool

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be restored or not

Get_ResumeSafeRelAbs ( ) : int

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion Relative vs Absolute setting 1=abs 0=rel

Get_ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW ( ) : int

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle Direction to be performed

Get_ResumeSafeStartSpindle ( ) : bool

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle to be performed

Get_ResumeSafeZ ( ) : double

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Z height for Resume sequence

Get_ResumeTraverseSafeX ( ) : double

Get KM_Interpreter XY Traverse Safe Motion to be performed

Get_ResumeTraverseSafeY ( ) : double

Get KM_Interpreter Traverse Safe Motion Y Position

Get_ResumeTraverseXY ( ) : bool

Get KM_Interpreter XY Traverse Motion to be performed

Get_ResumeZFeedRate ( ) : double

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used

Set_CanResume ( bool value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter possible to resume after a halt

Set_ResumeDoSafeFeedZ ( bool value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed to be performed

Set_ResumeFeedRate ( double value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be used

Set_ResumeFeedSafeZ ( double value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used

Set_ResumeMoveToSafeZ ( bool value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion to be performed

Set_ResumeRestoreFeedRate ( bool value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be restored or not

Set_ResumeSafeRelAbs ( int value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion Relative vs Absolute setting 1=abs 0=rel

Set_ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW ( int value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle Direction to be performed

Set_ResumeSafeStartSpindle ( bool value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle to be performed

Set_ResumeSafeZ ( double value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Z height for Resume sequence

Set_ResumeTraverseSafeX ( double value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Traverse Safe Motion X Position

Set_ResumeTraverseSafeY ( double value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Traverse Safe Motion Y Position

Set_ResumeTraverseXY ( bool value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter XY Traverse Safe Motion to be performed

Set_ResumeZFeedRate ( double value ) : void

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used

Private Methods

Method Description
Get_InitializeOnExecute ( ) : bool
Get_ParameterFile ( ) : string
Get_ReadToolFile ( ) : bool
Get_ToolFile ( ) : string
Get_VarsFile ( ) : string

Gets the file to be used to store/restore Interpreter GCode Variables

KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ChangeFixtureNumber ( IntPtr handle, int fixture ) : int
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ConvertAbsToUserUnitsA ( IntPtr handle, double a ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ConvertAbsToUserUnitsB ( IntPtr handle, double b ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ConvertAbsToUserUnitsC ( IntPtr handle, double c ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ConvertAbsToUserUnitsX ( IntPtr handle, double x ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ConvertAbsToUserUnitsY ( IntPtr handle, double y ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ConvertAbsToUserUnitsZ ( IntPtr handle, double z ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ConvertAbsoluteToInterpreterCoord ( IntPtr handle, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c, double &xp, double &yp, double &zp, double &ap, double &bp, double &cp ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ConvertAbsoluteToMachine ( IntPtr handle, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c, double &xp, double &yp, double &zp, double &ap, double &bp, double &cp ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_CoordMotion_SetArcFeedCallback ( IntPtr handle, KM_CoordMotionArcFeedSixAxisHandler handler ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_CoordMotion_SetStraightFeedCallback ( IntPtr handle, KM_CoordMotionStraightFeedSixAxisHandler handler ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_CoordMotion_SetStraightTraverseCallback ( IntPtr handle, KM_CoordMotionStraightTraverseSixAxisHandler handler ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_DoExecute ( IntPtr handle ) : int
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_DoExecuteComplete ( IntPtr handle ) : int
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ExecutePC ( IntPtr handle, string name ) : int
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Free ( IntPtr &handle ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_GetAbort ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_GetHalt ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_GetInitializeOnExecute ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_GetOrigin ( IntPtr handle, int index, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_GetReadToolFile ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_GetSetupFile ( IntPtr handle ) : string
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_GetToolFile ( IntPtr handle ) : string
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_GetVarsFile ( IntPtr handle ) : string
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_CanResume ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_M_CodeAction ( IntPtr handle, int index, int &type, double &val1, double &val2, double &val3, double &val4, double &val5, string &name ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeDoSafeFeedZ ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeFeedSafeZ ( IntPtr handle ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeMoveToSafeZ ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeRestoreFeedRate ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeResumeFeedRate ( IntPtr handle ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeSafeRelAbs ( IntPtr handle ) : int
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW ( IntPtr handle ) : int
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeSafeStartSpindle ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeSafeZ ( IntPtr handle ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeTraverseSafeX ( IntPtr handle ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeTraverseSafeY ( IntPtr handle ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeTraverseXY ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Get_ResumeZFeedRate ( IntPtr handle ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_InchesToUserUnits ( IntPtr handle, double inches ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_InitializeInterpreter ( IntPtr handle ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Interpret ( IntPtr handle, int board_type, string fname, int start, int end, int restart ) : int
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_InvokeAction ( IntPtr handle, int i, bool flushbeforeunbufferedoperation ) : int
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_New ( IntPtr coordmotion, IntPtr &handle ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ReadAndSyncCurPositions ( IntPtr handle, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ReadCurInterpreterPosition ( IntPtr handle, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_ReadCurMachinePosition ( IntPtr handle, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_SetAbort ( IntPtr handle ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_SetHalt ( IntPtr handle ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_SetInitializeOnExecute ( IntPtr handle, bool value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_SetOrigin ( IntPtr handle, int index, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c ) : double
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_SetReadToolFile ( IntPtr handle, bool value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_SetSetupFile ( IntPtr handle, string name ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_SetToolFile ( IntPtr handle, string name ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_SetVarsFile ( IntPtr handle, string name ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_CanResume ( IntPtr handle, bool value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_G_COMPLETE_CALLBACK ( IntPtr handle, KM_GCodeInterpreterCompleteHandler handler ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_G_STATUS_CALLBACK ( IntPtr handle, KM_GCodeInterpreterStatusHandler handler ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_G_USER_CALLBACK ( IntPtr handle, KM_GCodeInterpreterUserCallbackHandler handler ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_G_USER_MCODE_CALLBACK ( IntPtr handle, KM_GCodeInterpreterUserMcodeCallbackHandler handler ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_M_CodeAction ( IntPtr handle, int index, int type, double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4, double val5, string name ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeDoSafeFeedZ ( IntPtr handle, bool value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeFeedSafeZ ( IntPtr handle, double value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeMoveToSafeZ ( IntPtr handle, bool value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeRestoreFeedRate ( IntPtr handle, bool value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeResumeFeedRate ( IntPtr handle, double value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeSafeRelAbs ( IntPtr handle, int value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW ( IntPtr handle, int value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeSafeStartSpindle ( IntPtr handle, bool value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeSafeZ ( IntPtr handle, double value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeTraverseSafeX ( IntPtr handle, double value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeTraverseSafeY ( IntPtr handle, double value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeTraverseXY ( IntPtr handle, bool value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_Set_ResumeZFeedRate ( IntPtr handle, double value ) : void
KM_dotnet_Interop_GCodeInterpreter_UserUnitsToInches ( IntPtr handle, double units ) : double
OnInterpreterCompleted ( int status, int lineno, int sequence_number, string err ) : void

Dispatches Interpreter Completed callback values to InterpreterCompleted event subscribers

OnInterpreterStatusUpdated ( int lineno, string msg ) : void

Dispatches Status Updated callback values to InterpreterStatusUpdated event subscribers

OnInterpreterUserCallbackRequested ( string msg ) : void

Dispatches User Callback Requested callback values to InterpreterUserCallbackRequested event subscribers

OnInterpreterUserMcodeCallbackRequested ( int mcode ) : int

Dispatches User MCode Callback Requested callback values to InterpreterUserMcodeCallbackRequested event subscribers


Sets the internal Interpreter Complete callback for the GcodeInterpreter.cpp object Separate delegate for this callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed

Set_G_STATUS_CALLBACK ( ) : void

Sets the internal Interpreter Status callback for the GcodeInterpreter.cpp object Separate delegate for this callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed

Set_G_USER_CALLBACK ( ) : void

Sets the internal Interpreter User Callback callback for the GcodeInterpreter.cpp object Separate delegate for this callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed


Sets the internal Interpreter User MCode callback for the GcodeInterpreter.cpp object Separate delegate for this callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer to be destroyed

Set_InitializeOnExecute ( bool value ) : void
Set_ParameterFile ( string value ) : void
Set_ReadToolFile ( bool value ) : void
Set_ToolFile ( string value ) : void
Set_VarsFile ( string value ) : void

Sets the file to be used to store/restore Interpreter GCode Variables

Method Details

Abort() public method

Abort Intpreter Execution
public Abort ( ) : void
return void

ChangeFixtureNumber() public method

Set the current fixture
public ChangeFixtureNumber ( int fixture ) : void
fixture int Fixture Index
return void

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsA() public method

Takes ABS "A" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units
public ConvertAbsToUserUnitsA ( double a ) : double
a double ABS value
return double

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsB() public method

Takes ABS "B" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units
public ConvertAbsToUserUnitsB ( double b ) : double
b double ABS value
return double

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsC() public method

Takes ABS "C" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units
public ConvertAbsToUserUnitsC ( double c ) : double
c double ABS value
return double

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsX() public method

Takes ABS "X" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units
public ConvertAbsToUserUnitsX ( double x ) : double
x double ABS value
return double

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsY() public method

Takes ABS "Y" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units
public ConvertAbsToUserUnitsY ( double y ) : double
y double ABS value
return double

ConvertAbsToUserUnitsZ() public method

Takes ABS "Z" value and translates to Iterpreter User Units
public ConvertAbsToUserUnitsZ ( double z ) : double
z double ABS value
return double

ConvertAbsoluteToInterpreterCoord() public method

Convert Absolute to Interpreter Coordinates
public ConvertAbsoluteToInterpreterCoord ( double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c, double &xp, double &yp, double &zp, double &ap, double &bp, double &cp ) : void
x double X Passed in Absolute Coordinate
y double Y Passed in Absolute Coordinate
z double Z Passed in Absolute Coordinate
a double a Passed in Absolute Coordinate
b double b Passed in Absolute Coordinate
c double c Passed in Absolute Coordinate
xp double X returned Interpreter Coordinate
yp double Y returned Interpreter Coordinate
zp double Z returned Interpreter Coordinate
ap double a returned Interpreter Coordinate
bp double b returned Interpreter Coordinate
cp double c returned Interpreter Coordinate
return void

ConvertAbsoluteToMachine() public method

Convert Absolute to Machine Coordinates
public ConvertAbsoluteToMachine ( double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c, double &xp, double &yp, double &zp, double &ap, double &bp, double &cp ) : void
x double X Passed in Absolute Coordinate
y double Y Passed in Absolute Coordinate
z double Z Passed in Absolute Coordinate
a double a Passed in Absolute Coordinate
b double b Passed in Absolute Coordinate
c double c Passed in Absolute Coordinate
xp double X returned Machine Coordinate
yp double Y returned Machine Coordinate
zp double Z returned Machine Coordinate
ap double a returned Machine Coordinate
bp double b returned Machine Coordinate
cp double c returned Machine Coordinate
return void

Dispose() public method

Releases the object resources
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

DoExecute() public method

Internal Use only?
public DoExecute ( ) : int
return int

ExecutePC() public method

Calling this spawns a Windows PC Application by the specified name
public ExecutePC ( string name ) : int
name string Path Name of Executable
return int

GetIsAbort() protected method

KM_Interpreter Abort Condition
protected GetIsAbort ( ) : bool
return bool

GetIsHalt() protected method

KM_Interpreter Halt Condition
protected GetIsHalt ( ) : bool
return bool

GetMcodeAction() public method

Gets an MCode Action definition
public GetMcodeAction ( int index, MCODE_TYPE &type, double &val1, double &val2, double &val3, double &val4, double &val5, string &name ) : void
index int mcode ex(M6 = 6)
type MCODE_TYPE MCODE_TYPE for this action
val1 double double param 1 for action
val2 double double param 2 for action
val3 double double param 3 for action
val4 double double param 4 for action
val5 double double param 5 for action
name string mcode name
return void

GetOrigin() public method

Gets the Origin offset
public GetOrigin ( int index, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void
index int Origin index - 0 for G92 offsets, 1-9 for fixture offsets
x double X offset
y double Y offset
z double Z offset
a double a offset
b double b offset
c double c offset
return void

Get_CanResume() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter possible to resume after a halt
protected Get_CanResume ( ) : bool
return bool

Get_ResumeDoSafeFeedZ() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed to be performed
protected Get_ResumeDoSafeFeedZ ( ) : bool
return bool

Get_ResumeFeedRate() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be used
protected Get_ResumeFeedRate ( ) : double
return double

Get_ResumeFeedSafeZ() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used
protected Get_ResumeFeedSafeZ ( ) : double
return double

Get_ResumeMoveToSafeZ() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion to be performed
protected Get_ResumeMoveToSafeZ ( ) : bool
return bool

Get_ResumeRestoreFeedRate() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be restored or not
protected Get_ResumeRestoreFeedRate ( ) : bool
return bool

Get_ResumeSafeRelAbs() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion Relative vs Absolute setting 1=abs 0=rel
protected Get_ResumeSafeRelAbs ( ) : int
return int

Get_ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle Direction to be performed
protected Get_ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW ( ) : int
return int

Get_ResumeSafeStartSpindle() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle to be performed
protected Get_ResumeSafeStartSpindle ( ) : bool
return bool

Get_ResumeSafeZ() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Z height for Resume sequence
protected Get_ResumeSafeZ ( ) : double
return double

Get_ResumeTraverseSafeX() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter XY Traverse Safe Motion to be performed
protected Get_ResumeTraverseSafeX ( ) : double
return double

Get_ResumeTraverseSafeY() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Traverse Safe Motion Y Position
protected Get_ResumeTraverseSafeY ( ) : double
return double

Get_ResumeTraverseXY() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter XY Traverse Motion to be performed
protected Get_ResumeTraverseXY ( ) : bool
return bool

Get_ResumeZFeedRate() protected method

Get KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used
protected Get_ResumeZFeedRate ( ) : double
return double

Halt() public method

Halt Intpreter Execution
public Halt ( ) : void
return void

InchesToUserUnits() public method

Takes in an inch value and returns the value in Interpreter's current units
public InchesToUserUnits ( double inches ) : double
inches double input inch value
return double

InitializeInterpreter() public method

Resets the interpreter params to the inital state
public InitializeInterpreter ( ) : void
return void

Interpret() public method

Interpret an entire File
public Interpret ( string fname ) : int
fname string Full path of the file to interpret
return int

Interpret() public method

Interpret a File with the functionality to only interpret a portion of the file (useful for resuming execution after a program stoppage)
public Interpret ( string fname, int start, int end, int restart ) : int
fname string Full path of the file to interpret
start int first line to execute
end int Last line to execute
restart int Reinitializes Interpreter Settings
return int

InvokeAction() public method

Invokes a preset "Action" Will need clarification on how to setup these Actions
public InvokeAction ( int i, bool flushbeforeunbufferedoperation ) : int
i int Action index?
flushbeforeunbufferedoperation bool Flush current operations before execution
return int

KM_Interpreter() public method

Primary constructor for the KM_Interpreter object
public KM_Interpreter ( KM_CoordMotion coordmotion ) : System
coordmotion KM_CoordMotion
return System

ReadAndSynchCurInterpreterPosition() public method

Syncronizes the Interpreter Position to the current Axes Positions
public ReadAndSynchCurInterpreterPosition ( double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void
x double X sync'ed position
y double Y sync'ed position
z double Z sync'ed position
a double a sync'ed position
b double b sync'ed position
c double c sync'ed position
return void

ReadCurInterpreterPosition() public method

Syncronizes the Interpreter Position to the current Axes Positions
public ReadCurInterpreterPosition ( double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void
x double X sync'ed position
y double Y sync'ed position
z double Z sync'ed position
a double a sync'ed position
b double b sync'ed position
c double c sync'ed position
return void

ReadCurMachinePosition() public method

Read Hardware and convert to Absolute Machine Coordinates
public ReadCurMachinePosition ( double &x, double &y, double &z, double &a, double &b, double &c ) : void
x double X returned Machine Coordinate
y double Y returned Machine Coordinate
z double Z returned Machine Coordinate
a double a returned Machine Coordinate
b double b returned Machine Coordinate
c double c returned Machine Coordinate
return void

SetMcodeAction() public method

Sets an MCode Action definition
public SetMcodeAction ( int index, MCODE_TYPE type, double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4, double val5, string name ) : void
index int mcode ex(M6 = 6)
type MCODE_TYPE MCODE_TYPE for this action
val1 double double param 1 for action
val2 double double param 2 for action
val3 double double param 3 for action
val4 double double param 4 for action
val5 double double param 5 for action
name string mcode name
return void

SetOrigin() public method

Sets the origin offset
public SetOrigin ( int index, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c ) : void
index int Origin index - 0 for G92 offsets, 1-9 for fixture offsets
x double X offset
y double Y offset
z double Z offset
a double a offset
b double b offset
c double c offset
return void

Set_CanResume() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter possible to resume after a halt
protected Set_CanResume ( bool value ) : void
value bool
return void

Set_ResumeDoSafeFeedZ() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed to be performed
protected Set_ResumeDoSafeFeedZ ( bool value ) : void
value bool
return void

Set_ResumeFeedRate() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be used
protected Set_ResumeFeedRate ( double value ) : void
value double
return void

Set_ResumeFeedSafeZ() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used
protected Set_ResumeFeedSafeZ ( double value ) : void
value double
return void

Set_ResumeMoveToSafeZ() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion to be performed
protected Set_ResumeMoveToSafeZ ( bool value ) : void
value bool
return void

Set_ResumeRestoreFeedRate() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Feed Rate to be restored or not
protected Set_ResumeRestoreFeedRate ( bool value ) : void
value bool
return void

Set_ResumeSafeRelAbs() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Z Motion Relative vs Absolute setting 1=abs 0=rel
protected Set_ResumeSafeRelAbs ( int value ) : void
value int
return void

Set_ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle Direction to be performed
protected Set_ResumeSafeSpindleCWCCW ( int value ) : void
value int
return void

Set_ResumeSafeStartSpindle() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Start Spindle to be performed
protected Set_ResumeSafeStartSpindle ( bool value ) : void
value bool
return void

Set_ResumeSafeZ() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Z height for Resume sequence
protected Set_ResumeSafeZ ( double value ) : void
value double
return void

Set_ResumeTraverseSafeX() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Traverse Safe Motion X Position
protected Set_ResumeTraverseSafeX ( double value ) : void
value double
return void

Set_ResumeTraverseSafeY() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Traverse Safe Motion Y Position
protected Set_ResumeTraverseSafeY ( double value ) : void
value double
return void

Set_ResumeTraverseXY() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter XY Traverse Safe Motion to be performed
protected Set_ResumeTraverseXY ( bool value ) : void
value bool
return void

Set_ResumeZFeedRate() protected method

Set KM_Interpreter Safe Resume Z Feed Rate to be used
protected Set_ResumeZFeedRate ( double value ) : void
value double
return void

UserUnitsToInches() public method

Takes in a value as Interpreter's current units and returns the value in Inches
public UserUnitsToInches ( double units ) : double
units double input unit value
return double

Property Details

InterpreterCompletedHandler protected_oe property

Internal Interpreter Complete callback handler for the GCodeInterpreter.cpp class this delegate for the callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed
protected KM_GCodeInterpreterCompleteHandler InterpreterCompletedHandler
return KM_GCodeInterpreterCompleteHandler

InterpreterStatusUpdatedHandler protected_oe property

Internal Interpreter Status callback handler for the GCodeInterpreter.cpp class this delegate for the callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed
protected KM_GCodeInterpreterStatusHandler InterpreterStatusUpdatedHandler
return KM_GCodeInterpreterStatusHandler

InterpreterUserCallbackRequestedHandler protected_oe property

Internal Interpreter UserCallback callback handler for the GCodeInterpreter.cpp class this delegate for the callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed
protected KM_GCodeInterpreterUserCallbackHandler InterpreterUserCallbackRequestedHandler
return KM_GCodeInterpreterUserCallbackHandler

InterpreterUserMCodeCallbackRequestedHandler protected_oe property

Internal Interpreter UserMcodeCallback callback handler for the GCodeInterpreter.cpp class this delegate for the callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed
protected KM_GCodeInterpreterUserMcodeCallbackHandler InterpreterUserMCodeCallbackRequestedHandler
return KM_GCodeInterpreterUserMcodeCallbackHandler

_ErrorLength protected_oe property

Maximum allowed return error string length
protected int _ErrorLength
return int

_InstanceHandle protected_oe property

CCoordMotion class instance pointer
protected IntPtr,System _InstanceHandle
return System.IntPtr

_Loaded protected_oe property

Flag to determine that this object has been properly initialized
protected bool _Loaded
return bool

_SetupParams protected_oe property

Direct Access to the EMC Setup Parameters Use caution when setting any of these properties during run
protected KM_Interpreter_SetupParams _SetupParams
return KM_Interpreter_SetupParams