C# Class IronPython.Runtime.Binding.Binders

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Public Methods

Method Description
BinaryOperationBinder ( PythonContext state, PythonOperationKind operatorName ) : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
Convert ( Expression codeContext, PythonContext binder, Type type, ConversionResultKind resultKind, Expression target ) : Expression

Backwards compatible Convert for the old sites that need to flow CodeContext

Get ( Expression codeContext, PythonContext binder, Type resultType, string name, Expression target ) : Expression
InvokeKeywords ( PythonContext state ) : IronPython.Runtime.Binding.PythonInvokeBinder

Creates a new InvokeBinder which will call with positional and keyword splatting. The signature of the target site should be object(function), object[], dictionary, retType

InvokeSplat ( PythonContext state ) : IronPython.Runtime.Binding.PythonInvokeBinder

Creates a new InvokeBinder which will call with positional splatting. The signature of the target site should be object(function), object[], retType

TryGet ( Expression codeContext, PythonContext binder, Type resultType, string name, Expression target ) : Expression
UnaryOperationBinder ( PythonContext state, PythonOperationKind operatorName ) : DynamicMetaObjectBinder

Private Methods

Method Description
GetExpressionTypeFromBinaryOperator ( PythonOperationKind operatorName ) : ExpressionType?
GetExpressionTypeFromUnaryOperator ( PythonOperationKind operatorName ) : ExpressionType?

Method Details

BinaryOperationBinder() public static method

public static BinaryOperationBinder ( PythonContext state, PythonOperationKind operatorName ) : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
state PythonContext
operatorName PythonOperationKind
return System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder

Convert() public static method

Backwards compatible Convert for the old sites that need to flow CodeContext
public static Convert ( Expression codeContext, PythonContext binder, Type type, ConversionResultKind resultKind, Expression target ) : Expression
codeContext Expression
binder PythonContext
type System.Type
resultKind ConversionResultKind
target Expression
return Expression

Get() public static method

public static Get ( Expression codeContext, PythonContext binder, Type resultType, string name, Expression target ) : Expression
codeContext Expression
binder PythonContext
resultType System.Type
name string
target Expression
return Expression

InvokeKeywords() public static method

Creates a new InvokeBinder which will call with positional and keyword splatting. The signature of the target site should be object(function), object[], dictionary, retType
public static InvokeKeywords ( PythonContext state ) : IronPython.Runtime.Binding.PythonInvokeBinder
state PythonContext
return IronPython.Runtime.Binding.PythonInvokeBinder

InvokeSplat() public static method

Creates a new InvokeBinder which will call with positional splatting. The signature of the target site should be object(function), object[], retType
public static InvokeSplat ( PythonContext state ) : IronPython.Runtime.Binding.PythonInvokeBinder
state PythonContext
return IronPython.Runtime.Binding.PythonInvokeBinder

TryGet() public static method

public static TryGet ( Expression codeContext, PythonContext binder, Type resultType, string name, Expression target ) : Expression
codeContext Expression
binder PythonContext
resultType System.Type
name string
target Expression
return Expression

UnaryOperationBinder() public static method

public static UnaryOperationBinder ( PythonContext state, PythonOperationKind operatorName ) : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
state PythonContext
operatorName PythonOperationKind
return System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder