C# Class InTheHand.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DataPackageView

A read-only version of a DataPackage. Apps that receive shared content get this object when acquiring content.
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Public Methods

Method Description
Contains ( string formatId ) : bool

Checks to see if the DataPackageView contains a specific data format.

GetApplicationLinkAsync ( ) : Task

Gets the application link in the DataPackageView object.

GetDataAsync ( string formatId ) : Task

Gets the data contained in the DataPackageView.

GetTextAsync ( ) : Task

Gets the text in the DataPackageView object.

GetWebLinkAsync ( ) : Task

Gets the web link in the DataPackageView object.

Private Methods

Method Description
DataPackageView ( DataPackage package ) : System
GetUri ( string format ) : Uri

Method Details

Contains() public method

Checks to see if the DataPackageView contains a specific data format.
public Contains ( string formatId ) : bool
formatId string The name of the format.
return bool

GetApplicationLinkAsync() public method

Gets the application link in the DataPackageView object.
public GetApplicationLinkAsync ( ) : Task
return Task

GetDataAsync() public method

Gets the data contained in the DataPackageView.
public GetDataAsync ( string formatId ) : Task
formatId string The format of the data.
return Task

GetTextAsync() public method

Gets the text in the DataPackageView object.
public GetTextAsync ( ) : Task
return Task

GetWebLinkAsync() public method

Gets the web link in the DataPackageView object.
public GetWebLinkAsync ( ) : Task
return Task