C# Class ImGuiNET.ImGuiNative

Contains all of the exported functions from the native (c)imGui module.
ファイルを表示 Open project: mellinoe/ImGui.NET Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ImFontAtlas_AddFontDefault ( NativeFontAtlas atlas ) : NativeFont*
igBeginPopupModal ( string name, WindowFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igBeginPopupModal ( string name, bool &p_opened, WindowFlags extra_flags ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
ImDrawData_DeIndexAllBuffers ( DrawData drawData ) : void
ImDrawList_GetCmdPtr ( DrawList list, int n ) : DrawCmd*
ImDrawList_GetCmdSize ( DrawList list ) : int
ImDrawList_GetIndexBufferSize ( DrawList list ) : int
ImDrawList_GetIndexPtr ( DrawList list, int n ) : ushort*
ImDrawList_GetVertexBufferSize ( DrawList list ) : int
ImDrawList_GetVertexPtr ( DrawList list, int n ) : DrawVert*
ImFontAtlas_AddFont ( NativeFontAtlas atlas, FontConfig &font_cfg ) : NativeFont*
ImFontAtlas_AddFontDefault ( NativeFontAtlas atlas, IntPtr font_cfg ) : NativeFont*
ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromFileTTF ( NativeFontAtlas atlas, string filename, float size_pixels, IntPtr font_cfg, char glyph_ranges ) : NativeFont*
ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF ( NativeFontAtlas atlas, string compressed_ttf_data_base85, float size_pixels, FontConfig font_cfg, char glyph_ranges ) : NativeFont*
ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF ( NativeFontAtlas atlas, void compressed_ttf_data, int compressed_ttf_size, float size_pixels, FontConfig font_cfg, char glyph_ranges ) : NativeFont*
ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryTTF ( NativeFontAtlas atlas, void ttf_data, int ttf_size, float size_pixels, IntPtr font_cfg, char glyph_ranges ) : NativeFont*
ImFontAtlas_Clear ( NativeFontAtlas atlas ) : void
ImFontAtlas_ClearTexData ( NativeFontAtlas atlas ) : void
ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsAlpha8 ( NativeFontAtlas atlas, byte out_pixels, int out_width, int out_height, int out_bytes_per_pixel ) : void
ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsRGBA32 ( NativeFontAtlas atlas, byte out_pixels, int out_width, int out_height, int out_bytes_per_pixel ) : void
ImFontAtlas_SetTexID ( NativeFontAtlas atlas, void tex ) : void
ImGuiIO_AddInputCharacter ( ushort c ) : void
ImGuiIO_AddInputCharactersUTF8 ( string utf8_chars ) : void
igAlignFirstTextHeightToWidgets ( ) : void
igBegin ( string name, bool &p_opened, WindowFlags flags ) : bool
igBegin2 ( string name, bool &p_opened, Vector2 size_on_first_use, float bg_alpha, WindowFlags flags ) : bool
igBeginChild ( string str_id, Vector2 size, bool border, WindowFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igBeginChildEx ( uint id, Vector2 size, bool border, WindowFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igBeginChildFrame ( uint id, Vector2 size, WindowFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igBeginGroup ( ) : void
igBeginMainMenuBar ( ) : bool
igBeginMenu ( string label ) : bool
igBeginMenu ( string label, bool enabled ) : bool
igBeginMenuBar ( ) : bool
igBeginPopup ( string str_id ) : bool
igBeginPopupContextItem ( string str_id, int mouse_button ) : bool
igBeginPopupContextVoid ( string str_id, int mouse_button ) : bool
igBeginPopupContextWindow ( bool also_over_items, string str_id, int mouse_button ) : bool
igBeginPopupModal ( string name, byte p_opened, WindowFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igBeginTooltip ( ) : void
igBullet ( ) : void
igBulletText ( string fmt ) : void
igButton ( string label, Vector2 size ) : bool
igCalcItemRectClosestPoint ( Vector2 &pOut, Vector2 pos, bool on_edge, float outward ) : void
igCalcItemWidth ( ) : float
igCalcListClipping ( int items_count, float items_height, int out_items_display_start, int out_items_display_end ) : void
igCalcTextSize ( Vector2 &pOut, char text, char text_end, bool hide_text_after_double_hash, float wrap_width ) : void
igCaptureKeyboardFromApp ( ) : void
igCaptureMouseFromApp ( ) : void
igCheckbox ( string label, bool &v ) : bool
igCheckboxFlags ( string label, UIntPtr flags, uint flags_value ) : bool
igCloseCurrentPopup ( ) : void
igCollapsingHeader ( string label, string str_id, bool display_frame, bool default_open ) : bool
igColor ( string prefix, Vector4 v ) : void
igColor2 ( string prefix, uint v ) : void
igColorButton ( Vector4 col, bool small_height, bool outline_border ) : bool
igColorConvertFloat4ToU32 ( Vector4 @in ) : uint
igColorConvertHSVtoRGB ( float h, float s, float v, float out_r, float out_g, float out_b ) : void
igColorConvertRGBtoHSV ( float r, float g, float b, float out_h, float out_s, float out_v ) : void
igColorConvertU32ToFloat4 ( Vector4 pOut, uint @in ) : void
igColorEdit3 ( string label, Vector3 col ) : bool
igColorEdit4 ( string label, Vector4 col, bool show_alpha ) : bool
igColorEditMode ( ColorEditMode mode ) : void
igColumns ( int count, string id, bool border ) : void
igCombo ( string label, int &current_item, string items, int items_count, int height_in_items ) : bool
igCombo2 ( string label, int &current_item, string items_separated_by_zeros, int height_in_items ) : bool
igCombo3 ( string label, int &current_item, ItemSelectedCallback items_getter, IntPtr data, int items_count, int height_in_items ) : bool
igDragFloat ( string label, float &v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string display_format, float power ) : bool
igDragFloat2 ( string label, Vector2 &v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string display_format, float power ) : bool
igDragFloat3 ( string label, Vector3 &v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string display_format, float power ) : bool
igDragFloat4 ( string label, Vector4 &v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, string display_format, float power ) : bool
igDragFloatRange2 ( string label, float &v_current_min, float &v_current_max, float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, string display_format = "%.3f", string display_format_max = null, float power = 1.0f ) : bool
igDragInt ( string label, int &v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, string display_format ) : bool
igDragInt2 ( string label, Int2 &v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, string display_format ) : bool
igDragInt3 ( string label, Int3 &v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, string display_format ) : bool
igDragInt4 ( string label, Int4 &v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, string display_format ) : bool
igDragIntRange2 ( string label, int &v_current_min, int &v_current_max, float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min, int v_max, string display_format = "%.0f", string display_format_max = null ) : bool
igDummy ( Vector2 size ) : void
igEnd ( ) : void
igEndChild ( ) : void
igEndChildFrame ( ) : void
igEndGroup ( ) : void
igEndMainMenuBar ( ) : void
igEndMenu ( ) : void
igEndMenuBar ( ) : void
igEndPopup ( ) : void
igEndTooltip ( ) : void
igGetClipboardText ( ) : string
igGetColumnIndex ( ) : int
igGetColumnOffset ( int column_index ) : float
igGetColumnWidth ( int column_index ) : float
igGetColumnsCount ( ) : int
igGetContentRegionAvail ( Vector2 &@out ) : void
igGetContentRegionAvailWidth ( ) : float
igGetContentRegionMax ( Vector2 &@out ) : void
igGetCursorPos ( Vector2 pOut ) : void
igGetCursorPosX ( ) : float
igGetCursorPosY ( ) : float
igGetCursorScreenPos ( Vector2 pOut ) : void
igGetCursorStartPos ( Vector2 pOut ) : void
igGetDrawData ( ) : DrawData*
igGetFrameCount ( ) : int
igGetIO ( ) : NativeIO*
igGetIdPtr ( void ptr_id ) : uint
igGetIdStr ( string str_id ) : uint
igGetIdStrRange ( string str_begin, string str_end ) : uint
igGetItemRectMax ( Vector2 &pOut ) : void
igGetItemRectMin ( Vector2 &pOut ) : void
igGetItemRectSize ( Vector2 &pOut ) : void
igGetItemsLineHeightWithSpacing ( ) : float
igGetMouseCursor ( ) : MouseCursorKind
igGetMouseDragDelta ( Vector2 &pOut, int button, float lock_threshold ) : void
igGetMousePos ( Vector2 &pOut ) : void
igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup ( Vector2 &pOut ) : void
igGetScrollMaxX ( ) : float
igGetScrollMaxY ( ) : float
igGetScrollX ( ) : float
igGetScrollY ( ) : float
igGetStateStorage ( ) : Storage*
igGetStyle ( ) : NativeStyle*
igGetStyleColName ( ColorTarget idx ) : string
igGetTextLineHeight ( ) : float
igGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing ( ) : float
igGetTime ( ) : float
igGetVersion ( ) : string
igGetWindowContentRegionMax ( Vector2 &@out ) : void
igGetWindowContentRegionMin ( Vector2 &@out ) : void
igGetWindowContentRegionWidth ( ) : float
igGetWindowDrawList ( ) : DrawList*
igGetWindowFont ( ) : NativeFont*
igGetWindowFontSize ( ) : float
igGetWindowHeight ( ) : float
igGetWindowPos ( Vector2 &@out ) : void
igGetWindowSize ( Vector2 &@out ) : void
igGetWindowWidth ( ) : float
igGetpublicState ( ) : void*
igGetpublicStateSize ( ) : uint
igImage ( IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1, Vector4 tint_col, Vector4 border_col ) : void
igImageButton ( IntPtr user_texture_id, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1, int frame_padding, Vector4 bg_col, Vector4 tint_col ) : bool
igIndent ( ) : void
igInputFloat ( string label, float v, float step, float step_fast, int decimal_precision, InputTextFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igInputFloat2 ( string label, Vector2 v, int decimal_precision, InputTextFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igInputFloat3 ( string label, Vector3 v, int decimal_precision, InputTextFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igInputFloat4 ( string label, Vector4 v, int decimal_precision, InputTextFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igInputInt ( string label, int v, int step, int step_fast, InputTextFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igInputInt2 ( string label, Int2 v, InputTextFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igInputInt3 ( string label, Int3 v, InputTextFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igInputInt4 ( string label, Int4 v, InputTextFlags extra_flags ) : bool
igInputText ( string label, IntPtr buffer, uint buf_size, InputTextFlags flags, TextEditCallback callback, void user_data ) : bool
igInputTextMultiline ( string label, IntPtr buffer, uint buf_size, Vector2 size, InputTextFlags flags, TextEditCallback callback, void user_data ) : bool
igInvisibleButton ( string str_id, Vector2 size ) : bool
igIsAnyItemActive ( ) : bool
igIsAnyItemHovered ( ) : bool
igIsItemActive ( ) : bool
igIsItemHovered ( ) : bool
igIsItemHoveredRect ( ) : bool
igIsItemVisible ( ) : bool
igIsKeyDown ( int key_index ) : bool
igIsKeyPressed ( int key_index, bool repeat ) : bool
igIsKeyReleased ( int key_index ) : bool
igIsMouseClicked ( int button, bool repeat ) : bool
igIsMouseDoubleClicked ( int button ) : bool
igIsMouseDown ( int button ) : bool
igIsMouseDragging ( int button, float lock_threshold ) : bool
igIsMouseHoveringAnyWindow ( ) : bool
igIsMouseHoveringRect ( Vector2 pos_min, Vector2 pos_max, bool clip ) : bool
igIsMouseHoveringWindow ( ) : bool
igIsMouseReleased ( int button ) : bool
igIsPosHoveringAnyWindow ( Vector2 pos ) : bool
igIsRectVisible ( Vector2 item_size ) : bool
igIsRootWindowFocused ( ) : bool
igIsRootWindowOrAnyChildFocused ( ) : bool
igIsWindowCollapsed ( ) : bool
igIsWindowFocused ( ) : bool
igIsWindowHovered ( ) : bool
igLabelText ( string label, string fmt ) : void
igListBox ( string label, int current_item, char items, int items_count, int height_in_items ) : bool
igListBox2 ( string label, int &currentItem, ItemSelectedCallback items_getter, IntPtr data, int items_count, int height_in_items ) : bool
igListBoxFooter ( ) : void
igListBoxHeader ( string label, Vector2 size ) : bool
igListBoxHeader2 ( string label, int items_count, int height_in_items ) : bool
igLogButtons ( ) : void
igLogFinish ( ) : void
igLogText ( string fmt ) : void
igLogToClipboard ( int max_depth ) : void
igLogToFile ( int max_depth, string filename ) : void
igLogToTTY ( int max_depth ) : void
igMemAlloc ( uint sz ) : void*
igMemFree ( void ptr ) : void
igMenuItem ( string label, string shortcut, bool selected, bool enabled ) : bool
igMenuItemPtr ( string label, string shortcut, bool p_selected, bool enabled ) : bool
igNewFrame ( ) : void
igNextColumn ( ) : void
igOpenPopup ( string str_id ) : void
igPlotHistogram ( string label, float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max, Vector2 graph_size, int stride ) : void
igPlotLines ( string label, float values, int values_count, int values_offset, string overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max, Vector2 graph_size, int stride ) : void
igPopAllowKeyboardFocus ( ) : void
igPopButtonRepeat ( ) : void
igPopFont ( ) : void
igPopId ( ) : void
igPopItemWidth ( ) : void
igPopStyleColor ( int count ) : void
igPopStyleVar ( int count ) : void
igPopTextWrapPos ( ) : void
igPushAllowKeyboardFocus ( bool v ) : void
igPushButtonRepeat ( bool repeat ) : void
igPushFont ( NativeFont font ) : void
igPushFont ( object nativeFont ) : void
igPushIdInt ( int int_id ) : void
igPushIdPtr ( void ptr_id ) : void
igPushIdStr ( string str_id ) : void
igPushIdStrRange ( string str_begin, string str_end ) : void
igPushItemWidth ( float item_width ) : void
igPushStyleColor ( ColorTarget idx, Vector4 col ) : void
igPushStyleVar ( StyleVar idx, float val ) : void
igPushStyleVarVec ( StyleVar idx, Vector2 val ) : void
igPushTextWrapPos ( float wrap_pos_x ) : void
igRadioButton ( string label, int v, int v_button ) : bool
igRadioButtonBool ( string label, bool active ) : bool
igRender ( ) : void
igResetMouseDragDelta ( int button ) : void
igSameLine ( float local_pos_x, float spacing_w ) : void
igSelectable ( string label, bool selected, SelectableFlags flags, Vector2 size ) : bool
igSelectableEx ( string label, bool &p_selected, SelectableFlags flags, Vector2 size ) : bool
igSeparator ( ) : void
igSetClipboardText ( string text ) : void
igSetColumnOffset ( int column_index, float offset_x ) : void
igSetCursorPos ( Vector2 local_pos ) : void
igSetCursorPosX ( float x ) : void
igSetCursorPosY ( float y ) : void
igSetCursorScreenPos ( Vector2 pos ) : void
igSetKeyboardFocusHere ( int offset ) : void
igSetMouseCursor ( MouseCursorKind type ) : void
igSetNextTreeNodeOpened ( bool opened, SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetNextWindowCollapsed ( bool collapsed, SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetNextWindowContentSize ( Vector2 size ) : void
igSetNextWindowContentWidth ( float width ) : void
igSetNextWindowFocus ( ) : void
igSetNextWindowPos ( Vector2 pos, SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetNextWindowPosCenter ( SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetNextWindowSize ( Vector2 size, SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetScrollFromPosY ( float pos_y, float center_y_ratio = 0.5f ) : void
igSetScrollHere ( float center_y_ratio = 0.5f ) : void
igSetScrollX ( float scroll_x ) : void
igSetScrollY ( float scroll_y ) : void
igSetStateStorage ( Storage &tree ) : void
igSetTooltip ( string fmt ) : void
igSetWindowCollapsed ( bool collapsed, SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetWindowCollapsed2 ( string name, bool collapsed, SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetWindowFocus ( ) : void
igSetWindowFocus2 ( string name ) : void
igSetWindowFontScale ( float scale ) : void
igSetWindowPos ( Vector2 pos, SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetWindowPosByName ( string name, Vector2 pos, SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetWindowSize ( Vector2 size, SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetWindowSize2 ( string name, Vector2 size, SetCondition cond ) : void
igSetpublicState ( void state, bool construct ) : void
igShowMetricsWindow ( bool &opened ) : void
igShowStyleEditor ( NativeStyle &@ref ) : void
igShowTestWindow ( bool &opened ) : void
igShowUserGuide ( ) : void
igShutdown ( ) : void
igSliderAngle ( string label, float &v_rad, float v_degrees_min, float v_degrees_max ) : bool
igSliderFloat ( string label, float v, float v_min, float v_max, string display_format, float power ) : bool
igSliderFloat2 ( string label, Vector2 &v, float v_min, float v_max, string display_format, float power ) : bool
igSliderFloat3 ( string label, Vector3 &v, float v_min, float v_max, string display_format, float power ) : bool
igSliderFloat4 ( string label, Vector4 &v, float v_min, float v_max, string display_format, float power ) : bool
igSliderInt ( string label, int &v, int v_min, int v_max, string display_format ) : bool
igSliderInt2 ( string label, Int2 &v, int v_min, int v_max, string display_format ) : bool
igSliderInt3 ( string label, Int3 &v, int v_min, int v_max, string display_format ) : bool
igSliderInt4 ( string label, Int4 &v, int v_min, int v_max, string display_format ) : bool
igSmallButton ( string label ) : bool
igSpacing ( ) : void
igText ( string fmt ) : void
igTextColored ( Vector4 col, string fmt ) : void
igTextDisabled ( string fmt ) : void
igTextUnformatted ( byte text, byte text_end ) : void
igTextWrapped ( string fmt ) : void
igTreeNode ( string str_label_id ) : bool
igTreeNodePtr ( void ptr_id, string fmt ) : bool
igTreeNodeStr ( string str_id, string fmt ) : bool
igTreePop ( ) : void
igTreePushPtr ( void ptr_id ) : void
igTreePushStr ( string str_id ) : void
igUnindent ( ) : void
igVSliderFloat ( string label, Vector2 size, float v, float v_min, float v_max, string display_format, float power ) : bool
igVSliderInt ( string label, Vector2 size, int v, int v_min, int v_max, string display_format ) : bool
igValueBool ( string prefix, bool b ) : void
igValueFloat ( string prefix, float v, string float_format ) : void
igValueInt ( string prefix, int v ) : void
igValueUInt ( string prefix, uint v ) : void

Method Details

ImFontAtlas_AddFontDefault() public static method

public static ImFontAtlas_AddFontDefault ( NativeFontAtlas atlas ) : NativeFont*
atlas NativeFontAtlas
return NativeFont*

igBeginPopupModal() public static method

public static igBeginPopupModal ( string name, WindowFlags extra_flags ) : bool
name string
extra_flags WindowFlags
return bool

igBeginPopupModal() public static method

public static igBeginPopupModal ( string name, bool &p_opened, WindowFlags extra_flags ) : bool
name string
p_opened bool
extra_flags WindowFlags
return bool