C# Class IE.Debug.WindowsPhone.Controls.ViewSourceControl

Represents ViewSource control.
Inheritance: System.Windows.Controls.UserControl, IPivotItemSelectable
ファイルを表示 Open project: sgrebnov/IeMobileDebugger

Public Methods

Method Description
Email ( ) : void

Sends email

OnDeselected ( ) : void

Handles pivot item deselected event.

OnSelected ( ) : void

Handles pivot item selected event.

ViewSourceControl ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ViewSourceControl class.

ZoomIn ( ) : void

Zooms in

ZoomOut ( ) : void

Zooms out

Private Methods

Method Description
LoadCurrentHtmlSource ( ) : void

Loads current html page

Method Details

Email() public method

Sends email
public Email ( ) : void
return void

OnDeselected() public method

Handles pivot item deselected event.
public OnDeselected ( ) : void
return void

OnSelected() public method

Handles pivot item selected event.
public OnSelected ( ) : void
return void

ViewSourceControl() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ViewSourceControl class.
public ViewSourceControl ( ) : System
return System

ZoomIn() public method

Zooms in
public ZoomIn ( ) : void
return void

ZoomOut() public method

Zooms out
public ZoomOut ( ) : void
return void