C# Class ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.KeysRequiredEventArgs

Arguments used with KeysRequiredEvent
Inheritance: System.EventArgs
ファイルを表示 Open project: fanfeilong/exceltk Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
KeysRequiredEventArgs ( string name ) : System

Initialise a new instance of

KeysRequiredEventArgs ( string name, byte keyValue ) : System

Initialise a new instance of

Method Details

KeysRequiredEventArgs() public method

Initialise a new instance of
public KeysRequiredEventArgs ( string name ) : System
name string The name of the file for which keys are required.
return System

KeysRequiredEventArgs() public method

Initialise a new instance of
public KeysRequiredEventArgs ( string name, byte keyValue ) : System
name string The name of the file for which keys are required.
keyValue byte The current key value.
return System