C# Class HistorianView.MetadataRetriever

Retrieves current meta-data from openHistorian using GEP
Inheritance: IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: GridProtectionAlliance/openHistorian Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( ) : void

Releases all the resources used by the MetadataRetriever object.

GetMetadata ( string connectionString, int timeout = Timeout.Infinite ) : DataSet

Gets meta-data from the connectionString waiting no longer than the specified timeout.

Private Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Releases the unmanaged resources used by the MetadataRetriever object and optionally releases the managed resources.

GetMetadata ( int timeout ) : DataSet

Gets meta-data using GEP waiting no longer than specified timeout.

MetadataRetriever ( string connectionString ) : System

Creates a new MetadataRetriever instance with the specified connectionString.

m_subscriber_ConnectionEstablished ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
m_subscriber_MetaDataReceived ( object sender, GSF e ) : void
m_subscriber_ProcessException ( object sender, GSF e ) : void

Method Details

Dispose() public method

Releases all the resources used by the MetadataRetriever object.
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

GetMetadata() public static method

Gets meta-data from the connectionString waiting no longer than the specified timeout.
public static GetMetadata ( string connectionString, int timeout = Timeout.Infinite ) : DataSet
connectionString string GEP publication host and port, e.g., "", to connect to for meta-data.
timeout int Specifies how long to wait, in milliseconds, for meta-data.
return System.Data.DataSet