C# Class Hedwig.Validations.NonBlockingValidationContext

ファイルを表示 Open project: ctoec/ecis-experimental Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddParentEntity ( object parentEntity ) : void

Adds an object to the ParentEntities dictionary, keyed by type. If an entry exists with the given type key, it is overwritten.

GetParentEntity ( ) : T

Returns the ParentEntities dictionary entry for the given type key, or null of none exists.

NonBlockingValidationContext ( ) : System
RemoveParentEntity ( ) : bool

Removes entry with key of Type T from ParentEntities dictionary. Returns the result of the Dictionary.Remove() call.

Method Details

AddParentEntity() public method

Adds an object to the ParentEntities dictionary, keyed by type. If an entry exists with the given type key, it is overwritten.
public AddParentEntity ( object parentEntity ) : void
parentEntity object
return void

GetParentEntity() public method

Returns the ParentEntities dictionary entry for the given type key, or null of none exists.
public GetParentEntity ( ) : T
return T

NonBlockingValidationContext() public method

public NonBlockingValidationContext ( ) : System
return System

RemoveParentEntity() public method

Removes entry with key of Type T from ParentEntities dictionary. Returns the result of the Dictionary.Remove() call.
public RemoveParentEntity ( ) : bool
return bool