C# Class HaloMap.Render.SpawnInfo.Collection

The Collection Spawn / Netgame Equipment
Inheritance: RotateYawPitchRollBaseSpawn
ファイルを表示 Open project: troymac1ure/Entity

Public Properties

Property Type Description
SpawnsInMode SpawnsInEnum

Public Methods

Method Description
Collection ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Collection class.

Read ( Map map ) : void

Reads the Collection Spawn meta chunk info from the map MemoryStream.

map.BR.BaseStream.Position must be set to start of chunk data.

Collection scnr offst = 288

Collection chunk size = 144

Write ( Map map ) : void

Writes the Collection Spawn meta chunk info to the map MemoryStream.

Collection scnr offst = 288

Collection chunk size = 144

Method Details

Collection() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Collection class.
public Collection ( ) : System
return System

Read() public method

Reads the Collection Spawn meta chunk info from the map MemoryStream.

map.BR.BaseStream.Position must be set to start of chunk data.

Collection scnr offst = 288

Collection chunk size = 144

public Read ( Map map ) : void
map HaloMap.Map.Map The HaloMap.Map.Map
return void

Write() public method

Writes the Collection Spawn meta chunk info to the map MemoryStream.

Collection scnr offst = 288

Collection chunk size = 144

public Write ( Map map ) : void
map HaloMap.Map.Map The HaloMap.Map.Map
return void

Property Details

SpawnsInMode public_oe property

The spawns in mode.
public SpawnsInEnum SpawnsInMode
return SpawnsInEnum