C# Class GitSharp.Core.IgnoreHandler

ファイルを表示 Open project: jagregory/GitSharp Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddCommandLinePattern ( string pattern ) : void
IgnoreHandler ( Repository repo ) : System
IsIgnored ( string path ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
AddPattern ( string line, ICollection to ) : void
GetPathDirectories ( string path ) : List
IsIgnored ( string path, IEnumerable patterns, bool ret ) : bool
LoadDirectoryPatterns ( IEnumerable dirs ) : void
ReadPatternsFromFile ( string path, ICollection to ) : void

Method Details

AddCommandLinePattern() public method

public AddCommandLinePattern ( string pattern ) : void
pattern string
return void

IgnoreHandler() public method

public IgnoreHandler ( Repository repo ) : System
repo Repository
return System

IsIgnored() public method

public IsIgnored ( string path ) : bool
path string
return bool