C# Class GSF.Identity.WindowsUserInfo

Inheritance: IUserInfo
ファイルを表示 Open project: GridProtectionAlliance/gsf

Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddUserToLocalGroup bool
AuthenticateUser IPrincipal
CleanSid string
ConvertToLong long
CreateDirectorySearcher System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
Dispose void
IsSchemaSID bool
LocalAccountExists bool
RemoveUserFromLocalGroup bool
SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged void
UserIsInLocalGroup bool
WindowsUserInfo System

Public Methods

Method Description
AccountNameToSID ( string accountName ) : string
ChangePassword ( string oldPassword, string newPassword ) : void
CreateLocalGroup ( string groupName, string groupDescription ) : bool
CreateLocalUser ( string userName, string password, string userDescription ) : bool
Dispose ( ) : void

Releases all the resources used by the WindowsUserInfo object.

GetBuiltInLocalGroups ( ) : string[]
GetLocalGroupUserList ( string groupName ) : string[]
GetUserPropertyValue ( string propertyName ) : string
GetUserPropertyValueCollection ( string propertyName ) : System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection
ImpersonateUser ( string domain, string userName, string password ) : System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext
Initialize ( ) : bool
IsGroupSID ( string sid ) : bool
IsUserSID ( string sid ) : bool
LocalGroupExists ( string groupName ) : bool
LocalUserExists ( string userName ) : bool
RemoveLocalGroup ( string groupName ) : bool
RemoveLocalUser ( string userName ) : bool
SIDToAccountName ( string sid ) : string
SetLocalUserPassword ( string userName, string password ) : void
WindowsUserInfo ( UserInfo parent ) : System

Private Methods

Method Description
AddUserToLocalGroup ( string groupName, string userName ) : bool
AuthenticateUser ( string domain, string userName, string password, string &errorMessage ) : IPrincipal
CleanSid ( string sid ) : string
ConvertToLong ( object largeInteger ) : long
CreateDirectorySearcher ( ) : System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Releases the unmanaged resources used by the WindowsUserInfo object and optionally releases the managed resources.

IsSchemaSID ( string sid, string schemaClassName ) : bool
LocalAccountExists ( System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry localMachine, string accountName, string schemaType, bool allowActiveDirectoryAccount, System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry &accountEntry ) : bool
RemoveUserFromLocalGroup ( string groupName, string userName ) : bool
SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged ( object sender, Microsoft.Win32.PowerModeChangedEventArgs e ) : void
UserIsInLocalGroup ( string groupName, string userName ) : bool
WindowsUserInfo ( ) : System

Method Details

AccountNameToSID() public static method

public static AccountNameToSID ( string accountName ) : string
accountName string
return string

ChangePassword() public method

public ChangePassword ( string oldPassword, string newPassword ) : void
oldPassword string
newPassword string
return void

CreateLocalGroup() public static method

public static CreateLocalGroup ( string groupName, string groupDescription ) : bool
groupName string
groupDescription string
return bool

CreateLocalUser() public static method

public static CreateLocalUser ( string userName, string password, string userDescription ) : bool
userName string
password string
userDescription string
return bool

Dispose() public method

Releases all the resources used by the WindowsUserInfo object.
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

GetBuiltInLocalGroups() public static method

public static GetBuiltInLocalGroups ( ) : string[]
return string[]

GetLocalGroupUserList() public static method

public static GetLocalGroupUserList ( string groupName ) : string[]
groupName string
return string[]

GetUserPropertyValue() public method

public GetUserPropertyValue ( string propertyName ) : string
propertyName string
return string

GetUserPropertyValueCollection() public method

public GetUserPropertyValueCollection ( string propertyName ) : System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection
propertyName string
return System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection

ImpersonateUser() public static method

public static ImpersonateUser ( string domain, string userName, string password ) : System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext
domain string
userName string
password string
return System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext

Initialize() public method

public Initialize ( ) : bool
return bool

IsGroupSID() public static method

public static IsGroupSID ( string sid ) : bool
sid string
return bool

IsUserSID() public static method

public static IsUserSID ( string sid ) : bool
sid string
return bool

LocalGroupExists() public static method

public static LocalGroupExists ( string groupName ) : bool
groupName string
return bool

LocalUserExists() public static method

public static LocalUserExists ( string userName ) : bool
userName string
return bool

RemoveLocalGroup() public static method

public static RemoveLocalGroup ( string groupName ) : bool
groupName string
return bool

RemoveLocalUser() public static method

public static RemoveLocalUser ( string userName ) : bool
userName string
return bool

SIDToAccountName() public static method

public static SIDToAccountName ( string sid ) : string
sid string
return string

SetLocalUserPassword() public static method

public static SetLocalUserPassword ( string userName, string password ) : void
userName string
password string
return void

WindowsUserInfo() public method

public WindowsUserInfo ( UserInfo parent ) : System
parent UserInfo
return System