C# Class FlickrNet.PhotoCollection

Inheritance: System.Collections.CollectionBase
ファイルを表示 Open project: mono/flickr-sharp Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( Photo photo ) : int

Adds a Photo to the collection.

AddRange ( Photo photos ) : void

Adds an array of Photo instances to this collection.

AddRange ( PhotoCollection collection ) : void

Adds all of the photos in another PhotoCollection to this collection.

Contains ( Photo photo ) : bool

Returns true if the collection contains the photo.

CopyTo ( Photo array, int index ) : void

Copies the elements of the collection to an array of Photo, starting at a particular index.

FromPhotoArray ( Photo photos ) : PhotoCollection

Creates a PhotoCollection from an array of Photo objects.

IndexOf ( Photo photo ) : int

Gets the index of a photo in this collection.

Insert ( int index, Photo photo ) : void

Inserts a Photo into the collection at the given index.

PhotoCollection ( ) : System

Default constructor.

PhotoCollection ( Photo photos ) : System

Creates an instance of the PhotoCollection from an array of Photo instances.

Remove ( Photo photo ) : void

Removes a photo from the collection.

ToPhotoArray ( ) : FlickrNet.Photo[]

Converts the collection to an array of Photo objects.

this ( int index ) : Photo

Gets or sets a photo based on the index in the collection.

Method Details

Add() public method

Adds a Photo to the collection.
public Add ( Photo photo ) : int
photo Photo The instance to add to the collection.
return int

AddRange() public method

Adds an array of Photo instances to this collection.
public AddRange ( Photo photos ) : void
photos Photo An array of instances.
return void

AddRange() public method

Adds all of the photos in another PhotoCollection to this collection.
public AddRange ( PhotoCollection collection ) : void
collection PhotoCollection The containing the photos to add /// to this collection.
return void

Contains() public method

Returns true if the collection contains the photo.
public Contains ( Photo photo ) : bool
photo Photo The instance to try to find.
return bool

CopyTo() public method

Copies the elements of the collection to an array of Photo, starting at a particular index.
public CopyTo ( Photo array, int index ) : void
array Photo The array to copy to.
index int The index in the collection to start copying from.
return void

FromPhotoArray() public static method

Creates a PhotoCollection from an array of Photo objects.
public static FromPhotoArray ( Photo photos ) : PhotoCollection
photos Photo An array of objects.
return PhotoCollection

IndexOf() public method

Gets the index of a photo in this collection.
public IndexOf ( Photo photo ) : int
photo Photo The photo to find.
return int

Insert() public method

Inserts a Photo into the collection at the given index.
public Insert ( int index, Photo photo ) : void
index int The index to insert the into. /// Subsequent photos will be moved up.
photo Photo The to insert.
return void

PhotoCollection() public method

Default constructor.
public PhotoCollection ( ) : System
return System

PhotoCollection() public method

Creates an instance of the PhotoCollection from an array of Photo instances.
public PhotoCollection ( Photo photos ) : System
photos Photo An array of instances.
return System

Remove() public method

Removes a photo from the collection.
public Remove ( Photo photo ) : void
photo Photo The instance to remove from the collection.
return void

ToPhotoArray() public method

Converts the collection to an array of Photo objects.
public ToPhotoArray ( ) : FlickrNet.Photo[]
return FlickrNet.Photo[]

this() public method

Gets or sets a photo based on the index in the collection.
public this ( int index ) : Photo
index int
return Photo