C# Class FlagUniqueKmers.KmerChecker

ファイルを表示 Open project: Illumina/canvas Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Main ( string fastaPath, string outputPath ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
GetKeyForKmer ( string kmer ) : string

Return the key for this kmer: - null, if it contains Ns - otherwise, compress both the string and its reverse complement to a short (more memory-efficient) string, and return the first of the two.

ProcessOneChromosome ( SequencingFiles.GenericRead fastaEntry, int chromosomeIndex ) : void
WriteOutputs ( string fastaPath, string outputPath ) : void

Method Details

Main() public method

public Main ( string fastaPath, string outputPath ) : void
fastaPath string
outputPath string
return void