C# Class FBX.SceneLoader.Objects.LoaderTempSceneObject

ファイルを表示 Open project: Patapom/GodComplex Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
m_Custom string>.Dictionary
m_Name string
m_Owner SceneLoader
m_Params string>.Dictionary
m_Parent LoaderTempSceneObject
m_Properties string>.Dictionary

Public Methods

Method Description
LoaderTempSceneObject ( SceneLoader _Owner, string _Name ) : System
SetCustomProperty ( string _Name, string _Value ) : void

Sets a custom property

SetParam ( string _Name, string _Value ) : void

Sets a param

SetParent ( LoaderTempSceneObject _Parent ) : void

Sets the object's parent

SetProperty ( string _Name, string _Value ) : void

Sets a property

Method Details

LoaderTempSceneObject() public method

public LoaderTempSceneObject ( SceneLoader _Owner, string _Name ) : System
_Owner SceneLoader
_Name string
return System

SetCustomProperty() public method

Sets a custom property
public SetCustomProperty ( string _Name, string _Value ) : void
_Name string The name of the property to set
_Value string The value of the proeprty (null clears the property)
return void

SetParam() public method

Sets a param
public SetParam ( string _Name, string _Value ) : void
_Name string The name of the param to set
_Value string The value of the param (null clears the param)
return void

SetParent() public method

Sets the object's parent
public SetParent ( LoaderTempSceneObject _Parent ) : void
_Parent LoaderTempSceneObject The object's parent
return void

SetProperty() public method

Sets a property
public SetProperty ( string _Name, string _Value ) : void
_Name string The name of the property to set
_Value string The value of the property (null clears the property)
return void

Property Details

m_Custom protected_oe property

protected Dictionary m_Custom
return string>.Dictionary

m_Name protected_oe property

protected string m_Name
return string

m_Owner protected_oe property

protected SceneLoader m_Owner
return SceneLoader

m_Params protected_oe property

protected Dictionary m_Params
return string>.Dictionary

m_Parent protected_oe property

protected LoaderTempSceneObject m_Parent
return LoaderTempSceneObject

m_Properties protected_oe property

protected Dictionary m_Properties
return string>.Dictionary