C# Class EGSW.Services.SeoUrls.SeoUrlService

Inheritance: ISeoUrlService
ファイルを表示 Open project: careerengine/EGSW-Project

Public Methods

Method Description
GetAllSeoUrl ( ) : IList
GetCountySeoUrl ( string Countyname ) : IList
GetSeoUrlById ( int id ) : SeoUrl
GetSeoUrlBySeoName ( string seoName ) : SeoUrl
SeoUrlService ( IRepository seoUrlRepository ) : System
UpdateSeoUrl ( SeoUrl entity ) : void

Updates the customer

Method Details

GetAllSeoUrl() public method

public GetAllSeoUrl ( ) : IList
return IList

GetCountySeoUrl() public method

public GetCountySeoUrl ( string Countyname ) : IList
Countyname string
return IList

GetSeoUrlById() public method

public GetSeoUrlById ( int id ) : SeoUrl
id int
return EGSW.Data.SeoUrl

GetSeoUrlBySeoName() public method

public GetSeoUrlBySeoName ( string seoName ) : SeoUrl
seoName string
return EGSW.Data.SeoUrl

SeoUrlService() public method

public SeoUrlService ( IRepository seoUrlRepository ) : System
seoUrlRepository IRepository
return System

UpdateSeoUrl() public method

Updates the customer
public UpdateSeoUrl ( SeoUrl entity ) : void
entity EGSW.Data.SeoUrl
return void