C# Class DamageTracker.Action

Combat action performed by the player
Inheritance: IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: BryanHurst/Aion-DamageTracker

Public Properties

Property Type Description
critical bool
damage int
healing int
last_tick System.DateTime
skill Skill
target string
ticks List
time System.DateTime
who Player

Public Methods

Method Description
Action ( string _time, Player _who, int _amount, string _target, string _skill, bool _critical ) : System

Create the action performed by the player

Dispose ( ) : void

Dispose call

ToString ( ) : string

Convert all log data of action to readable string

last_tick_ToString ( ) : string

Take DOT or HOT tick and convert the last one done to a readable string

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Internal dispose method

Method Details

Action() public method

Create the action performed by the player
public Action ( string _time, Player _who, int _amount, string _target, string _skill, bool _critical ) : System
_time string Time action occured
_who Player Who did the action
_amount int Amount the action was for
_target string Who the action was done to
_skill string What skill did the action
_critical bool If the in-game action was critted
return System

Dispose() public method

Dispose call
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

Internal dispose method
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

ToString() public method

Convert all log data of action to readable string
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

last_tick_ToString() public method

Take DOT or HOT tick and convert the last one done to a readable string
public last_tick_ToString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

critical public_oe property

public bool critical
return bool

damage public_oe property

public int damage
return int

healing public_oe property

public int healing
return int

last_tick public_oe property

public DateTime,System last_tick
return System.DateTime

skill public_oe property

public Skill,DamageTracker skill
return Skill

target public_oe property

public string target
return string

ticks public_oe property

public List ticks
return List

time public_oe property

public DateTime,System time
return System.DateTime

who public_oe property

public Player who
return Player