C# Class DNSManagement.RR.SIGType

Represents a Signature (SIG) RR.
Inheritance: ResourceRecord
ファイルを表示 Open project: drorgl/MSDNSWebAdmin

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateInstanceFromPropertyData ( Server server, string dnsServerName, string containerName, string ownerName, RecordClassEnum recordClass, System.TimeSpan ttl, UInt16 typeCovered, AlgorithmEnum algorithm, UInt16 labels, System.TimeSpan originalTTL, UnixDateTime signatureExpiration, UnixDateTime signatureInception, UInt16 keyTag, string signerName, string signature ) : SIGType

Instantiates an SIG RR based on the data in the method's input parameters: the record's DNS Server Name, Container Name, Owner Name, class (default = IN), time-to-live value, and WINS mapping flag, reverse look-up time out, WINS cache time out and domain name to append. It returns a reference to the new object as an output parameter.

Modify ( System.TimeSpan ttl, UInt16 typeCovered, AlgorithmEnum algorithm, UInt16 labels, System.TimeSpan originalTTL, UnixDateTime signatureExpiration, UnixDateTime signatureInception, UInt16 keyTag, string signerName, string signature ) : SIGType

Updates the TTL, Mapping Flag, Look-up Time out, Cache Time out and Result Domain to the values specified as the input parameters of this method. If a new value for a parameter is not specified, then the current value for the parameter is not changed. The method returns a reference to the modified object as an output parameter.

ToString ( ) : string

Private Methods

Method Description
SIGType ( System.Management.ManagementObject mo ) : System

Method Details

CreateInstanceFromPropertyData() public static method

Instantiates an SIG RR based on the data in the method's input parameters: the record's DNS Server Name, Container Name, Owner Name, class (default = IN), time-to-live value, and WINS mapping flag, reverse look-up time out, WINS cache time out and domain name to append. It returns a reference to the new object as an output parameter.
public static CreateInstanceFromPropertyData ( Server server, string dnsServerName, string containerName, string ownerName, RecordClassEnum recordClass, System.TimeSpan ttl, UInt16 typeCovered, AlgorithmEnum algorithm, UInt16 labels, System.TimeSpan originalTTL, UnixDateTime signatureExpiration, UnixDateTime signatureInception, UInt16 keyTag, string signerName, string signature ) : SIGType
server Server Server object
dnsServerName string Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the DNS Server that contains this RR.
containerName string Name of the Container for the Zone, Cache, or RootHints instance which contains this RR.
ownerName string Owner FQDN for the RR.
recordClass RecordClassEnum Class of the RR.
ttl System.TimeSpan Time, in seconds, that the RR can be cached by a DNS resolver.
typeCovered System.UInt16 Type of RR covered by this SIG.
algorithm AlgorithmEnum Algorithm used with the key specified in the resource record.
labels System.UInt16 Unsigned count of labels in the original SIG RR owner name. The count does not include the NULL label for the root, nor any initial wildcards.
originalTTL System.TimeSpan TTL of the RR set signed by the SIG.
signatureExpiration DNSManagement.Extensions.UnixDateTime Signature expiration date, expressed in seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), excluding leap seconds.
signatureInception DNSManagement.Extensions.UnixDateTime Date and time at which the Signature becomes valid, expressed in seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), excluding leap seconds.
keyTag System.UInt16 Method used to choose a key that verifies an SIG. See RFC 2535, Appendix C for the method used to calculate a KeyTag.
signerName string Domain name of the signer that generated the SIG RR.
signature string Signature, represented in base 64, formatted as defined in RFC 2535, Appendix A.
return SIGType

Modify() public method

Updates the TTL, Mapping Flag, Look-up Time out, Cache Time out and Result Domain to the values specified as the input parameters of this method. If a new value for a parameter is not specified, then the current value for the parameter is not changed. The method returns a reference to the modified object as an output parameter.
public Modify ( System.TimeSpan ttl, UInt16 typeCovered, AlgorithmEnum algorithm, UInt16 labels, System.TimeSpan originalTTL, UnixDateTime signatureExpiration, UnixDateTime signatureInception, UInt16 keyTag, string signerName, string signature ) : SIGType
ttl System.TimeSpan Optional - Time, in seconds, that the RR can be cached by a DNS resolver.
typeCovered System.UInt16 Type of RR covered by this SIG.
algorithm AlgorithmEnum Algorithm used with the key specified in the resource record.
labels System.UInt16 Unsigned count of labels in the original SIG RR owner name. The count does not include the NULL label for the root, nor any initial wildcards.
originalTTL System.TimeSpan TTL of the RR set signed by the SIG.
signatureExpiration DNSManagement.Extensions.UnixDateTime Signature expiration date, expressed in seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), excluding leap seconds.
signatureInception DNSManagement.Extensions.UnixDateTime Date and time at which the Signature becomes valid, expressed in seconds since the beginning of January 1, 1970, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), excluding leap seconds.
keyTag System.UInt16 Method used to choose a key that verifies an SIG. See RFC 2535, Appendix C for the method used to calculate a KeyTag.
signerName string Domain name of the signer that generated the SIG RR.
signature string Signature, represented in base 64, formatted as defined in RFC 2535, Appendix A.
return SIGType

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string