C# Class Core2D.Path.XGeometryContext

Geometry context.
ファイルを表示 Open project: Core2D/Core2D

Public Methods

Method Description
ArcTo ( XPoint point, XPathSize size, double rotationAngle, bool isLargeArc = false, XSweepDirection sweepDirection = XSweepDirection.Clockwise, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void

Adds arc segment.

BeginFigure ( XPoint startPoint, bool isFilled = true, bool isClosed = true ) : void

Begins path figure.

CubicBezierTo ( XPoint point1, XPoint point2, XPoint point3, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void

Adds cubic bezier segment.

LineTo ( XPoint point, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void

Adds line segment.

PolyCubicBezierTo ( ImmutableArray points, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void

Adds poly cubic bezier segment.

PolyLineTo ( ImmutableArray points, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void

Adds poly line segment.

PolyQuadraticBezierTo ( ImmutableArray points, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void

Adds poly quadratic bezier segment.

QuadraticBezierTo ( XPoint point1, XPoint point2, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void

Adds quadratic bezier segment.

SetClosedState ( bool isClosed ) : void

Sets the current closed state of the figure.

Method Details

ArcTo() public abstract method

Adds arc segment.
public abstract ArcTo ( XPoint point, XPathSize size, double rotationAngle, bool isLargeArc = false, XSweepDirection sweepDirection = XSweepDirection.Clockwise, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void
point Core2D.Shapes.XPoint The end point.
size XPathSize The arc size.
rotationAngle double The rotation angle.
isLargeArc bool The is large flag.
sweepDirection XSweepDirection The sweep direction flag.
isStroked bool The flag indicating whether shape is stroked.
isSmoothJoin bool The flag indicating whether shape is smooth join.
return void

BeginFigure() public abstract method

Begins path figure.
public abstract BeginFigure ( XPoint startPoint, bool isFilled = true, bool isClosed = true ) : void
startPoint Core2D.Shapes.XPoint The start point.
isFilled bool The flag indicating whether figure is filled.
isClosed bool The flag indicating whether figure is closed.
return void

CubicBezierTo() public abstract method

Adds cubic bezier segment.
public abstract CubicBezierTo ( XPoint point1, XPoint point2, XPoint point3, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void
point1 Core2D.Shapes.XPoint The first control point.
point2 Core2D.Shapes.XPoint The second control point.
point3 Core2D.Shapes.XPoint The end point.
isStroked bool The flag indicating whether shape is stroked.
isSmoothJoin bool The flag indicating whether shape is smooth join.
return void

LineTo() public abstract method

Adds line segment.
public abstract LineTo ( XPoint point, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void
point Core2D.Shapes.XPoint The end point.
isStroked bool The flag indicating whether shape is stroked.
isSmoothJoin bool The flag indicating whether shape is smooth join.
return void

PolyCubicBezierTo() public abstract method

Adds poly cubic bezier segment.
public abstract PolyCubicBezierTo ( ImmutableArray points, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void
points ImmutableArray The points array.
isStroked bool The flag indicating whether shape is stroked.
isSmoothJoin bool The flag indicating whether shape is smooth join.
return void

PolyLineTo() public abstract method

Adds poly line segment.
public abstract PolyLineTo ( ImmutableArray points, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void
points ImmutableArray The points array.
isStroked bool The flag indicating whether shape is stroked.
isSmoothJoin bool The flag indicating whether shape is smooth join.
return void

PolyQuadraticBezierTo() public abstract method

Adds poly quadratic bezier segment.
public abstract PolyQuadraticBezierTo ( ImmutableArray points, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void
points ImmutableArray The points array.
isStroked bool The flag indicating whether shape is stroked.
isSmoothJoin bool The flag indicating whether shape is smooth join.
return void

QuadraticBezierTo() public abstract method

Adds quadratic bezier segment.
public abstract QuadraticBezierTo ( XPoint point1, XPoint point2, bool isStroked = true, bool isSmoothJoin = true ) : void
point1 Core2D.Shapes.XPoint The control point.
point2 Core2D.Shapes.XPoint The end point.
isStroked bool The flag indicating whether shape is stroked.
isSmoothJoin bool The flag indicating whether shape is smooth join.
return void

SetClosedState() public abstract method

Sets the current closed state of the figure.
public abstract SetClosedState ( bool isClosed ) : void
isClosed bool The flag indicating whether figure is closed.
return void