C# Class ComponentFactory.Krypton.Ribbon.KryptonRibbonGroupClusterColorButton

Inheritance: KryptonRibbonGroupItem
ファイルを表示 Open project: Cocotteseb/Krypton Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CreateView ViewBase
DecideOnVisible void
HookContextMenuEvents void
OnClickMoreColors void
OnClickNoColor void
OnColumnsSelectedColorChanged void
OnColumnsTrackingColor void
OnDesignTimeContextMenu void
OnKryptonContextMenuClosed void
ProcessCmdKey bool
ShouldSerializeImageSmall bool
ShouldSerializeShortcutKeys bool
UpdateContextMenu void
UpdateRecentColors void

Public Methods

Method Description
ClearRecentColors ( ) : void

Clear the recent colors setting.

Hide ( ) : void

Make the ribbon color button hidden.

KryptonRibbonGroupClusterColorButton ( ) : System

Initialise a new instance of the KryptonRibbonGroupClusterColorButton class.

PerformClick ( ) : void

Generates a Click event for a button.

PerformClick ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void

Generates a Click event for a button.

PerformDropDown ( ) : void

Generates a DropDown event for a button.

PerformDropDown ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void

Generates a DropDown event for a button.

ResetShortcutKeys ( ) : void

Resets the ShortcutKeys property to its default value.

Show ( ) : void

Make the ribbon color button visible.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnClick ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void

Raises the Click event.

OnCommandPropertyChanged ( object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Handles a change in the property of an attached command.

OnDropDown ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void

Raises the DropDown event.

OnMoreColors ( CancelEventArgs e ) : void

Raises the MoreColors event.

OnPropertyChanged ( string propertyName ) : void

Raises the PropertyChanged event.

OnSelectedColorChanged ( Color selectedColor ) : void

Raises the SelectedColorChanged event.

OnTrackingColor ( ColorEventArgs e ) : void

Raises the TrackingColor event.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateView ( KryptonRibbon ribbon, NeedPaintHandler needPaint ) : ViewBase
DecideOnVisible ( KryptonContextMenuItemBase visible, KryptonContextMenuItemBase target ) : void
HookContextMenuEvents ( KryptonContextMenuCollection collection, bool hook ) : void
OnClickMoreColors ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
OnClickNoColor ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
OnColumnsSelectedColorChanged ( object sender, ColorEventArgs e ) : void
OnColumnsTrackingColor ( object sender, ColorEventArgs e ) : void
OnDesignTimeContextMenu ( MouseEventArgs e ) : void
OnKryptonContextMenuClosed ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
ProcessCmdKey ( Message &msg, Keys keyData ) : bool
ShouldSerializeImageSmall ( ) : bool
ShouldSerializeShortcutKeys ( ) : bool
UpdateContextMenu ( ) : void
UpdateRecentColors ( Color color ) : void

Method Details

ClearRecentColors() public method

Clear the recent colors setting.
public ClearRecentColors ( ) : void
return void

Hide() public method

Make the ribbon color button hidden.
public Hide ( ) : void
return void

KryptonRibbonGroupClusterColorButton() public method

Initialise a new instance of the KryptonRibbonGroupClusterColorButton class.
public KryptonRibbonGroupClusterColorButton ( ) : System
return System

OnClick() protected method

Raises the Click event.
protected OnClick ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void
finishDelegate EventHandler Delegate fired during event processing.
return void

OnCommandPropertyChanged() protected method

Handles a change in the property of an attached command.
protected OnCommandPropertyChanged ( object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void
sender object Source of the event.
e System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs A PropertyChangedEventArgs that contains the event data.
return void

OnDropDown() protected method

Raises the DropDown event.
protected OnDropDown ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void
finishDelegate EventHandler Delegate fired during event processing.
return void

OnMoreColors() protected method

Raises the MoreColors event.
protected OnMoreColors ( CancelEventArgs e ) : void
e CancelEventArgs An CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.
return void

OnPropertyChanged() protected method

Raises the PropertyChanged event.
protected OnPropertyChanged ( string propertyName ) : void
propertyName string Name of property that has changed.
return void

OnSelectedColorChanged() protected method

Raises the SelectedColorChanged event.
protected OnSelectedColorChanged ( Color selectedColor ) : void
selectedColor Color New selected color.
return void

OnTrackingColor() protected method

Raises the TrackingColor event.
protected OnTrackingColor ( ColorEventArgs e ) : void
e ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.ColorEventArgs An ColorEventArgs that contains the event data.
return void

PerformClick() public method

Generates a Click event for a button.
public PerformClick ( ) : void
return void

PerformClick() public method

Generates a Click event for a button.
public PerformClick ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void
finishDelegate EventHandler Delegate fired during event processing.
return void

PerformDropDown() public method

Generates a DropDown event for a button.
public PerformDropDown ( ) : void
return void

PerformDropDown() public method

Generates a DropDown event for a button.
public PerformDropDown ( EventHandler finishDelegate ) : void
finishDelegate EventHandler Delegate fired during event processing.
return void

ResetShortcutKeys() public method

Resets the ShortcutKeys property to its default value.
public ResetShortcutKeys ( ) : void
return void

Show() public method

Make the ribbon color button visible.
public Show ( ) : void
return void