C# Class ComponentFactory.Krypton.Ribbon.ButtonSpecMdiChildMin

Implementation for the minimize button for mdi child form.
Inheritance: ButtonSpecMdiChildFixed
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Public Methods

Method Description
ButtonSpecMdiChildMin ( KryptonRibbon ribbon ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the ButtonSpecMdiChildMin class.

GetChecked ( IPalette palette ) : ButtonCheckState

Gets the button checked state.

GetEnabled ( IPalette palette ) : ButtonEnabled

Gets the button enabled state.

GetVisible ( IPalette palette ) : bool

Gets the button visible value.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnClick ( EventArgs e ) : void

Raises the Click event.

Method Details

ButtonSpecMdiChildMin() public method

Initialize a new instance of the ButtonSpecMdiChildMin class.
public ButtonSpecMdiChildMin ( KryptonRibbon ribbon ) : System
ribbon KryptonRibbon Reference to owning ribbon control.
return System

GetChecked() public method

Gets the button checked state.
public GetChecked ( IPalette palette ) : ButtonCheckState
palette IPalette Palette to use for inheriting values.
return ButtonCheckState

GetEnabled() public method

Gets the button enabled state.
public GetEnabled ( IPalette palette ) : ButtonEnabled
palette IPalette Palette to use for inheriting values.
return ButtonEnabled

GetVisible() public method

Gets the button visible value.
public GetVisible ( IPalette palette ) : bool
palette IPalette Palette to use for inheriting values.
return bool

OnClick() protected method

Raises the Click event.
protected OnClick ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs An EventArgs that contains the event data.
return void