C# Class Cocktail.NavigationCancelArgs

Provides data for the INavigationTarget.OnNavigatingFrom callback that can be used to cancel a navigation request.
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
EnsureTaskCompletionSource void

Public Methods

Method Description
Cancel ( ) : void

Cancel the current navigation request.

Complete ( ) : void

Signals to the current navigation that it can continue successfully.

Defer ( ) : void

Defers continuation of the current navigation until one of the following methods is called: Complete, Fail, Cancel

Fail ( Exception error ) : void

Signals to the current navigation that it must continue with the provided error.

Private Methods

Method Description
EnsureTaskCompletionSource ( ) : void

Method Details

Cancel() public method

Cancel the current navigation request.
public Cancel ( ) : void
return void

Complete() public method

Signals to the current navigation that it can continue successfully.
public Complete ( ) : void
return void

Defer() public method

Defers continuation of the current navigation until one of the following methods is called: Complete, Fail, Cancel
Thrown if Defer has previously been called or the navigation no longer allows deferal.
public Defer ( ) : void
return void

Fail() public method

Signals to the current navigation that it must continue with the provided error.
public Fail ( Exception error ) : void
error System.Exception The reason why the navigation failed.
return void