C# Class ChatService.SocketChatClient

Class holding information and buffers for the Client socket connection
ファイルを表示 Open project: aptana/frameworks Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetRecievedData ( IAsyncResult ar ) : byte[]

Data has been recieved so we shall put it in an array and return it.

SetupRecieveCallback ( ChatServer app ) : void

Setup the callback for recieved data and loss of conneciton

SocketChatClient ( Socket sock ) : System


Method Details

GetRecievedData() public method

Data has been recieved so we shall put it in an array and return it.
public GetRecievedData ( IAsyncResult ar ) : byte[]
ar IAsyncResult
return byte[]

SetupRecieveCallback() public method

Setup the callback for recieved data and loss of conneciton
public SetupRecieveCallback ( ChatServer app ) : void
app ChatServer
return void

SocketChatClient() public method

public SocketChatClient ( Socket sock ) : System
sock Socket client socket conneciton this object represents
return System