C# Class CTCOfficeGUI.MainScreen

Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.Form
ファイルを表示 Open project: johnselker/Bazinga1186

Public Methods

Method Description
MainScreen ( ) : System

Constructor for the main screen

Private Methods

Method Description
CloseOpenPopups ( ) : void

Closes any open popups

GetCommandInput ( object tag ) : void

Gets the input for the user command or executes the command if possible

Initialize ( string filename ) : bool

Initializes the screen

OnAuthorityEntered ( string value ) : void

User entered an authority

OnCommandClicked ( object tag ) : void

Event handler for the command clicked event

OnExitClicked ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

User selected the exit menu item

OnLoadTrackLayoutClicked ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

User selected the load track layout menu item

OnLoginSuccessful ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Successfully logged in

OnPopupAcknowledged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

User acknowledged a message popup

OnSpeedLimitEntered ( string value ) : void

User entered a speed limit

OnTableViewClicked ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

User selected the table view menu item

OnTrackBlockClicked ( TrackBlock b ) : void

Event handler for the track block clicked event

OnTrainClicked ( ITrain train ) : void

Event handler for the train clicked event

OnTrainNameEntered ( string value ) : void

Train name was entered for a new train

OnViewSimulatorWindowClicked ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

User selected the view simulator window menu item

ShowOKPopup ( string title, string text, EventHandler okClickHandler ) : void

Displays a popup with an OK button

ShowTextInputPopup ( string prompt, string initialValue, CTCOfficeGUI.TextInputDialog OnValueEnteredHandler ) : void

Displays a popup to get text input from the user

Method Details

MainScreen() public method

Constructor for the main screen
public MainScreen ( ) : System
return System