C# Class Brunet.Security.CertificateMaker

This class is used to make signing certificates easier. The other method is to use the OpenSSL stack, which this has been verified to work with.
Inheritance: Certificate
ファイルを表示 Open project: pstjuste/brunet Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CertificateMaker ( Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate x509 ) : Brunet
CertificateMaker ( byte RawData ) : Brunet
CertificateMaker ( string Country, string Organization, string OrganizationalUnit, string Name, string Email, RSACryptoServiceProvider PublicKey, string NodeAddress ) : Brunet
Sign ( Certificate Signer, RSA PrivateKey ) : Certificate

This method is called by a CA to sign the provided Certificate with our RSA key.

Method Details

CertificateMaker() public method

public CertificateMaker ( Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate x509 ) : Brunet
x509 Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate
return Brunet

CertificateMaker() public method

public CertificateMaker ( byte RawData ) : Brunet
RawData byte
return Brunet

CertificateMaker() public method

public CertificateMaker ( string Country, string Organization, string OrganizationalUnit, string Name, string Email, RSACryptoServiceProvider PublicKey, string NodeAddress ) : Brunet
Country string
Organization string
OrganizationalUnit string
Name string
Email string
PublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider
NodeAddress string
return Brunet

Sign() public method

This method is called by a CA to sign the provided Certificate with our RSA key.
public Sign ( Certificate Signer, RSA PrivateKey ) : Certificate
Signer Certificate
PrivateKey System.Security.Cryptography.RSA
return Certificate