C# Class Brod.Network.Socket

Wrapper around ZeroMQ Socket
Inheritance: IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: paralect/brod Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Bind ( String address ) : void
Connect ( String address, CancellationToken token ) : void

Fancy way to connect to socket insuring that connection accepted. Seems to make sence only for in-proc transport.

Dispose ( ) : void
Recv ( ) : byte[]
Recv ( Int32 timeout ) : byte[]
RecvAll ( Int32 timeout ) : Queue
RecvAll ( Encoding encoding, Int32 timeout ) : Queue
Send ( byte data ) : void
Socket ( ZMQ zmqSocket ) : System

Method Details

Bind() public method

public Bind ( String address ) : void
address String
return void

Connect() public method

Fancy way to connect to socket insuring that connection accepted. Seems to make sence only for in-proc transport.
public Connect ( String address, CancellationToken token ) : void
address String
token System.Threading.CancellationToken
return void

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Recv() public method

public Recv ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]

Recv() public method

public Recv ( Int32 timeout ) : byte[]
timeout System.Int32
return byte[]

RecvAll() public method

public RecvAll ( Int32 timeout ) : Queue
timeout System.Int32
return Queue

RecvAll() public method

public RecvAll ( Encoding encoding, Int32 timeout ) : Queue
encoding System.Text.Encoding
timeout System.Int32
return Queue

Send() public method

public Send ( byte data ) : void
data byte
return void

Socket() public method

public Socket ( ZMQ zmqSocket ) : System
zmqSocket ZMQ
return System