C# Class BACnet.Ashrae.DeviceObjectPropertyReference

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
Schema ISchema

Public Methods

Method Description
DeviceObjectPropertyReference ( ObjectId objectIdentifier, PropertyIdentifier propertyIdentifier, Option propertyArrayIndex, Option deviceIdentifier ) : System
Load ( IValueStream stream ) : DeviceObjectPropertyReference
Save ( IValueSink sink, DeviceObjectPropertyReference value ) : void
ToString ( ) : string

Returns a string representation of the object

Method Details

DeviceObjectPropertyReference() public method

public DeviceObjectPropertyReference ( ObjectId objectIdentifier, PropertyIdentifier propertyIdentifier, Option propertyArrayIndex, Option deviceIdentifier ) : System
objectIdentifier ObjectId
propertyIdentifier PropertyIdentifier
propertyArrayIndex Option
deviceIdentifier Option
return System

Load() public static method

public static Load ( IValueStream stream ) : DeviceObjectPropertyReference
stream IValueStream
return DeviceObjectPropertyReference

Save() public static method

public static Save ( IValueSink sink, DeviceObjectPropertyReference value ) : void
sink IValueSink
value DeviceObjectPropertyReference
return void

ToString() public method

Returns a string representation of the object
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

Schema public_oe static_oe property

public static ISchema Schema
return ISchema