C# Class Apache.NMS.Util.PrimitiveMapInterceptor

This class provides a mechanism to intercept calls to a IPrimitiveMap instance and perform validation, handle type conversion, or some other function necessary to use the PrimitiveMap in a Message or other NMS object. Be default this class enforces the standard conversion policy for primitive types in NMS shown in the table below: | | boolean byte short char int long float double String byte[] |---------------------------------------------------------------------- |boolean | X X |byte | X X X X X |short | X X X X |char | X X |int | X X X |long | X X |float | X X X |double | X X |String | X X X X X X X X |byte[] | X |----------------------------------------------------------------------
Inheritance: IPrimitiveMap
ファイルを表示 Open project: ThorTech/apache-nms Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
message IMessage
properties IPrimitiveMap

Public Methods

Method Description
Clear ( ) : void
Contains ( object key ) : bool
GetBool ( string key ) : bool
GetByte ( string key ) : byte
GetBytes ( string key ) : byte[]
GetChar ( string key ) : char
GetDictionary ( string key ) : System.Collections.IDictionary
GetDouble ( string key ) : double
GetFloat ( string key ) : float
GetInt ( string key ) : int
GetList ( string key ) : System.Collections.IList
GetLong ( string key ) : long
GetShort ( string key ) : short
GetString ( string key ) : string
PrimitiveMapInterceptor ( IMessage message, IPrimitiveMap properties ) : System
PrimitiveMapInterceptor ( IMessage message, IPrimitiveMap properties, bool readOnly ) : System
PrimitiveMapInterceptor ( IMessage message, IPrimitiveMap properties, bool readOnly, bool allowByteArrays ) : System
Remove ( object key ) : void
SetBool ( string key, bool value ) : void
SetByte ( string key, byte value ) : void
SetBytes ( String key, byte value ) : void
SetBytes ( String key, byte value, int offset, int length ) : void
SetChar ( string key, char value ) : void
SetDictionary ( string key, System dictionary ) : void
SetDouble ( string key, double value ) : void
SetFloat ( string key, float value ) : void
SetInt ( string key, int value ) : void
SetList ( string key, System list ) : void
SetLong ( string key, long value ) : void
SetShort ( string key, short value ) : void
SetString ( string key, string value ) : void
this ( string key ) : object

Protected Methods

Method Description
FailIfReadOnly ( ) : void
GetObjectProperty ( string name ) : object
SetObjectProperty ( string name, object value ) : void

Method Details

Clear() public method

public Clear ( ) : void
return void

Contains() public method

public Contains ( object key ) : bool
key object
return bool

FailIfReadOnly() protected method

protected FailIfReadOnly ( ) : void
return void

GetBool() public method

public GetBool ( string key ) : bool
key string
return bool

GetByte() public method

public GetByte ( string key ) : byte
key string
return byte

GetBytes() public method

public GetBytes ( string key ) : byte[]
key string
return byte[]

GetChar() public method

public GetChar ( string key ) : char
key string
return char

GetDictionary() public method

public GetDictionary ( string key ) : System.Collections.IDictionary
key string
return System.Collections.IDictionary

GetDouble() public method

public GetDouble ( string key ) : double
key string
return double

GetFloat() public method

public GetFloat ( string key ) : float
key string
return float

GetInt() public method

public GetInt ( string key ) : int
key string
return int

GetList() public method

public GetList ( string key ) : System.Collections.IList
key string
return System.Collections.IList

GetLong() public method

public GetLong ( string key ) : long
key string
return long

GetObjectProperty() protected method

protected GetObjectProperty ( string name ) : object
name string
return object

GetShort() public method

public GetShort ( string key ) : short
key string
return short

GetString() public method

public GetString ( string key ) : string
key string
return string

PrimitiveMapInterceptor() public method

public PrimitiveMapInterceptor ( IMessage message, IPrimitiveMap properties ) : System
message IMessage
properties IPrimitiveMap
return System

PrimitiveMapInterceptor() public method

public PrimitiveMapInterceptor ( IMessage message, IPrimitiveMap properties, bool readOnly ) : System
message IMessage
properties IPrimitiveMap
readOnly bool
return System

PrimitiveMapInterceptor() public method

public PrimitiveMapInterceptor ( IMessage message, IPrimitiveMap properties, bool readOnly, bool allowByteArrays ) : System
message IMessage
properties IPrimitiveMap
readOnly bool
allowByteArrays bool
return System

Remove() public method

public Remove ( object key ) : void
key object
return void

SetBool() public method

public SetBool ( string key, bool value ) : void
key string
value bool
return void

SetByte() public method

public SetByte ( string key, byte value ) : void
key string
value byte
return void

SetBytes() public method

public SetBytes ( String key, byte value ) : void
key String
value byte
return void

SetBytes() public method

public SetBytes ( String key, byte value, int offset, int length ) : void
key String
value byte
offset int
length int
return void

SetChar() public method

public SetChar ( string key, char value ) : void
key string
value char
return void

SetDictionary() public method

public SetDictionary ( string key, System dictionary ) : void
key string
dictionary System
return void

SetDouble() public method

public SetDouble ( string key, double value ) : void
key string
value double
return void

SetFloat() public method

public SetFloat ( string key, float value ) : void
key string
value float
return void

SetInt() public method

public SetInt ( string key, int value ) : void
key string
value int
return void

SetList() public method

public SetList ( string key, System list ) : void
key string
list System
return void

SetLong() public method

public SetLong ( string key, long value ) : void
key string
value long
return void

SetObjectProperty() protected method

protected SetObjectProperty ( string name, object value ) : void
name string
value object
return void

SetShort() public method

public SetShort ( string key, short value ) : void
key string
value short
return void

SetString() public method

public SetString ( string key, string value ) : void
key string
value string
return void

this() public method

public this ( string key ) : object
key string
return object

Property Details

message protected_oe property

protected IMessage message
return IMessage

properties protected_oe property

protected IPrimitiveMap properties
return IPrimitiveMap