C# Class Amazon.OpsWorksCM.Model.CreateBackupRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateBackup operation. Creates an application-level backup of a server. While the server is BACKING_UP, the server can not be modified and no additional backup can be created.

Backups can be created for RUNNING, HEALTHY and UNHEALTHY servers.

This operation is asnychronous.

By default 50 manual backups can be created.

A LimitExceededException is thrown then the maximum number of manual backup is reached. A InvalidStateException is thrown when the server is not in any of RUNNING, HEALTHY, UNHEALTHY. A ResourceNotFoundException is thrown when the server is not found. A ValidationException is thrown when parameters of the request are not valid.

Inheritance: AmazonOpsWorksCMRequest
ファイルを表示 Open project: aws/aws-sdk-net Class Usage Examples

Private Methods

Method Description
IsSetDescription ( ) : bool
IsSetServerName ( ) : bool