C# Class Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.UpdateSSHPublicKeyRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateSSHPublicKey operation. Sets the status of an IAM user's SSH public key to active or inactive. SSH public keys that are inactive cannot be used for authentication. This action can be used to disable a user's SSH public key as part of a key rotation work flow.

The SSH public key affected by this action is used only for authenticating the associated IAM user to an AWS CodeCommit repository. For more information about using SSH keys to authenticate to an AWS CodeCommit repository, see Set up AWS CodeCommit for SSH Connections in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

Inheritance: AmazonIdentityManagementServiceRequest
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Private Methods

Method Description
IsSetSSHPublicKeyId ( ) : bool
IsSetStatus ( ) : bool
IsSetUserName ( ) : bool