C# Class Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.CreateUserRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateUser operation.

Creates a new user for your AWS account.

For information about limitations on the number of users you can create, see Limitations on IAM Entities in Using AWS Identity and Access Management .

Inheritance: AmazonIdentityManagementServiceRequest
ファイルを表示 Open project: aws/aws-sdk-net Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateUserRequest ( ) : System

Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available

CreateUserRequest ( string userName ) : System

Instantiates CreateUserRequest with the parameterized properties

Private Methods

Method Description
IsSetPath ( ) : bool
IsSetUserName ( ) : bool

Method Details

CreateUserRequest() public method

Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available
public CreateUserRequest ( ) : System
return System

CreateUserRequest() public method

Instantiates CreateUserRequest with the parameterized properties
public CreateUserRequest ( string userName ) : System
userName string The name of the user to create. This parameter allows (per its regex pattern) a string of characters consisting of upper and lowercase alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also include any of the following characters: =,.@-. User names are not distinguished by case. For example, you cannot create users named both "TESTUSER" and "testuser".
return System