C# Class Amazon.EC2.Import.DiskImageImporter

Helper class to import a virtual machine image or disk image to Amazon EC2 using Amazon S3 to hold the in-flight artifacts.
ファイルを表示 Open project: aws/aws-sdk-net Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
ConstructImportPartsList Import
ConstructManifestArtifactKey void
CreateImportManifest ImportManifestRoot
DeserializeManifestFromS3 void
DetermineRemainingUploads void
GetPresignedManifestUrl string
RemoveUploadedArtifacts bool
UploadImageFilePart void
UploadImageParts void
UploadManifest void
VolumeSizeFor long

Public Methods

Method Description
DiskImageImporter ( AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region, string bucketName ) : System

Constructs an image importer to upload and convert virtual machine image or disk volumes for use with Amazon EC2.

DiskImageImporter ( ICoreAmazonS3 s3Client, IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string bucketName ) : System

Constructs an image importer to upload and convert virtual machine image or disk volumes for use with Amazon EC2. The importer will use the supplied clients for communicating with Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2. Note that the clients should be configured to use the same region and AWS account.

DiskImageImporter ( RegionEndpoint region, string bucketName ) : System

Constructs an image importer to upload and convert virtual machine image or disk volumes for use with Amazon EC2. AWS credentials will be obtained from the application configuration settings.

FromManifest ( AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region, string bucketName, string manifestFileKey, bool resumingUpload ) : DiskImageImporter

Constructs an importer instance for a previously uploaded manifest. The manifest is downloaded using a new Amazon S3 client constructed for the specified region and deserialized, ready for use in constructing the appropriate ImportInstance or ImportVolume request to Amazon EC2.

ImportInstance ( string imageFilepath, string fileFormat, long volumeSize, string keyPrefix, ImportLaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration, ImportProgressCallback progressCallback ) : ImportInstanceResponse

Uploads and requests import conversion of a virtual machine image file to an Amazon EC2 instance.

ImportVolume ( string imageFilepath, string fileFormat, long volumeSize, string keyPrefix, string availabilityZone, string description, ImportProgressCallback progressCallback ) : ImportVolumeResponse

Uploads and requests import conversion of a virtual disk file to an Amazon EBS volume.

PopulateDiskImage ( string manifestFileKey, string description ) : DiskImage

Helper to populate a DiskImage instance from the SDK that will be used in an ImportInstance API request using data previously recorded in the import manifest.

PopulateDiskImageDetail ( string manifestFileKey ) : DiskImageDetail

Helper to populate a DiskImageDetail instance from the SDK that will be used in an ImportVolume API request using data previously recorded in the import manifest.

PopulateLaunchSpecificationInstance ( ImportLaunchConfiguration config ) : ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification

Helper to populate an SDK ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification instance that will be used in an ImportInstance API request.

PopulateVolumeDetail ( ) : VolumeDetail

Helper to populate a VolumeDetail instance from the SDK that will be used in an ImportInstance or ImportVolume API request using data previously recorded in the import manifest.

StartInstanceConversion ( ImportLaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration ) : ImportInstanceResponse

Initiates a conversion task to yield a new Amazon EC2 instance for a set of image file artifacts uploaded previously to Amazon S3.

StartVolumeConversion ( string availabilityZone, string description ) : ImportVolumeResponse

Initiates a conversion task to yield a new EBS volume for a set of image file artifacts uploaded previously to Amazon S3.

Upload ( string imageFilepath ) : string

Constructs the import manifest for the image and then uploads it and the virtual machine image or disk image to Amazon S3. The S3 key to the uploaded manifest file is returned.

If an error occurs during upload of the image file the RetainArtifactsOnUploadError property governs whether the partially uploaded content is deleted or retained. If the content is retained, the import can be resumed. By default the RetainArtifactsOnUploadError property is false and the content deleted, avoiding storage charges for potentially orphaned content if the command is not re-run.

Upload ( string imageFilepath, string fileFormat, long volumeSize, string keyPrefix, ImportProgressCallback progressCallback, bool resumeUpload ) : string

Constructs the import manifest for the image and then uploads it and the virtual machine image or disk image to Amazon S3. The S3 key to the uploaded manifest file is returned.

If an error occurs during upload of the image file the RetainArtifactsOnUploadError property governs whether the partially uploaded content is deleted or retained. If the content is retained, the import can be resumed. By default the RetainArtifactsOnUploadError property is false and the content deleted, avoiding storage charges for potentially orphaned content if the command is not re-run.

Private Methods

Method Description
ConstructImportPartsList ( long volumeSize, System.DateTime urlExpiration ) : Import

Walks the byte ranges of the image file to construct the logical parts we'll use to perform the upload

ConstructManifestArtifactKey ( string imageFilepath ) : void

Constructs the S3 object key for the manifest artifact. This will combine the root key, any optional prefix the user has requested be applied and the filename of the artifact, plus a fixed extension.

CreateImportManifest ( string fileFormat, long volumeSize ) : ImportManifestRoot

Constructs the object hierarchy that will be serialized to a single manifest file describing the import.

DeserializeManifestFromS3 ( ) : void

Downloads the manifest from Amazon S3 and deserializes the contents.

DetermineRemainingUploads ( ) : void

Analyzes the parts list of the manifest to determine which object parts exist in S3. Used when instantiating an importer from an existing manifest of a failed uploaded (RetainArtifactsOnUploadError set true to keep the partially uploaded content allowing uploads to be resumed part-way through).

Since the manifest contains a set of presigned urls to each part we can make use of those to determine whether a part has been uploaded or not.

GetPresignedManifestUrl ( string manifestFileKey ) : string

Constructs the presigned url to the import manifest in S3.

RemoveUploadedArtifacts ( string manifestFileKey, IEnumerable partsList ) : bool

Removes the manifest and iterates through the parts list to see which parts had been completed when failures occur and removes those objects to avoid storage cost to the user (if the user retries the command, a different root key guid will be generated leading to potential orphans).

UploadImageFilePart ( object state ) : void

Threadpool delegate to process image file parts one by one and upload to Amazon S3. If an error occurs, we abandon the part and continue to seek new ones (even though we won't process them, only signal). This allows all threads to exit before we attempt error clean up.

UploadImageParts ( ImportProgressCallback progressCallback = null ) : void

Uploads the image file to S3 as a series of distinct 10MB objects, as required by EC2, using the constructed import manifest as a guide. If any part fails to upload, we clean up successfully uploaded parts before returning the error to the caller.

UploadManifest ( ImportProgressCallback progressCallback = null ) : void

Serialize and upload the constructed import manifest using the supplied S3 client with optional progress callback.

VolumeSizeFor ( long diskImageSize, long requestedSize ) : long

Computes the size of the volume to hold the image in EC2, with optional override by the user. Observation of the EC2 CLI shows a preferred minimum size for boot volumes of 8GB.

Method Details

DiskImageImporter() public method

Constructs an image importer to upload and convert virtual machine image or disk volumes for use with Amazon EC2.
public DiskImageImporter ( AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region, string bucketName ) : System
credentials Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials /// The AWS credentials of the account that will own the uploaded artifacts. ///
region RegionEndpoint /// The region to which the artifacts will be uploaded and EC2 conversion performed. ///
bucketName string /// The name of the Amazon S3 bucket that will contain the uploaded image and manifest. If the bucket /// does not exist it will be created. ///
return System

DiskImageImporter() public method

Constructs an image importer to upload and convert virtual machine image or disk volumes for use with Amazon EC2. The importer will use the supplied clients for communicating with Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2. Note that the clients should be configured to use the same region and AWS account.
public DiskImageImporter ( ICoreAmazonS3 s3Client, IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string bucketName ) : System
s3Client ICoreAmazonS3 Client to use to upload artifacts to Amazon S3
ec2Client IAmazonEC2 Client to use to request image conversion in Amazon EC2
bucketName string /// The name of the Amazon S3 bucket that will contain the uploaded image and manifest. If the bucket /// does not exist it will be created. ///
return System

DiskImageImporter() public method

Constructs an image importer to upload and convert virtual machine image or disk volumes for use with Amazon EC2. AWS credentials will be obtained from the application configuration settings.
public DiskImageImporter ( RegionEndpoint region, string bucketName ) : System
region RegionEndpoint /// The region to which the artifacts will be uploaded and EC2 conversion performed. ///
bucketName string /// The name of the Amazon S3 bucket that will contain the uploaded image and manifest. If the bucket /// does not exist it will be created. ///
return System

FromManifest() public static method

Constructs an importer instance for a previously uploaded manifest. The manifest is downloaded using a new Amazon S3 client constructed for the specified region and deserialized, ready for use in constructing the appropriate ImportInstance or ImportVolume request to Amazon EC2.
public static FromManifest ( AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region, string bucketName, string manifestFileKey, bool resumingUpload ) : DiskImageImporter
credentials Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials /// The AWS credentials for the account that owns or has access to the bucket containing the manifest file. ///
region RegionEndpoint The region in which the Amazon S3 client used for download will be constructed.
bucketName string The name of the bucket containing the manifest file.
manifestFileKey string The S3 object key of the manifest file.
resumingUpload bool /// Set this to true if a previous upload failed part-way through processing and RetainArtifactsOnUploadError /// was set to true so the partially uploaded content was retained. The existing manifest will /// be inspected and uploads can then resume to process the retaining content. ///
return DiskImageImporter

ImportInstance() public method

Uploads and requests import conversion of a virtual machine image file to an Amazon EC2 instance.
public ImportInstance ( string imageFilepath, string fileFormat, long volumeSize, string keyPrefix, ImportLaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration, ImportProgressCallback progressCallback ) : ImportInstanceResponse
imageFilepath string The full path to the image file to be processed
fileFormat string /// The format of the image file (VMDK | RAW | VHD). If not specified, it will be inferred /// from the extension of the image file. ///
volumeSize long /// The requested size (in GiB) for the resulting image volume. If not specified a suitable /// value based on the size of the image file is used. Note that the minimum required boot /// volume size for EC2 is 8GB. ///
keyPrefix string /// Optional root-level key prefix that will be applied to the uploaded artifacts in S3. /// The artifacts will be placed beneath this (or the root if not set) in a key composed /// of a GUID. ///
launchConfiguration ImportLaunchConfiguration Launch configuration settings for the imported instance
progressCallback ImportProgressCallback Optional callback delegate for upload progress reporting
return Amazon.EC2.Model.ImportInstanceResponse

ImportVolume() public method

Uploads and requests import conversion of a virtual disk file to an Amazon EBS volume.
public ImportVolume ( string imageFilepath, string fileFormat, long volumeSize, string keyPrefix, string availabilityZone, string description, ImportProgressCallback progressCallback ) : ImportVolumeResponse
imageFilepath string The full path to the image file to be processed
fileFormat string /// The format of the image file (VMDK | RAW | VHD). If not specified, it will be inferred /// from the extension of the image file. ///
volumeSize long /// The requested size (in GiB) for the resulting image volume. If not specified a suitable /// value based on the size of the image file is used. ///
keyPrefix string /// Optional root-level key prefix that will be applied to the uploaded artifacts in S3. /// The artifacts will be placed beneath this (or the root if not set) in a key composed /// of a GUID. ///
availabilityZone string The Availability Zone for the resulting Amazon EBS volume.
description string An optional description for the volume being imported.
progressCallback ImportProgressCallback Optional callback delegate for upload progress reporting
return Amazon.EC2.Model.ImportVolumeResponse

PopulateDiskImage() public method

Helper to populate a DiskImage instance from the SDK that will be used in an ImportInstance API request using data previously recorded in the import manifest.
public PopulateDiskImage ( string manifestFileKey, string description ) : DiskImage
manifestFileKey string The Amazon S3 object key of the manifest file.
description string Optional description for the image.
return Amazon.EC2.Model.DiskImage

PopulateDiskImageDetail() public method

Helper to populate a DiskImageDetail instance from the SDK that will be used in an ImportVolume API request using data previously recorded in the import manifest.
public PopulateDiskImageDetail ( string manifestFileKey ) : DiskImageDetail
manifestFileKey string The Amazon S3 object key of the manifest file.
return Amazon.EC2.Model.DiskImageDetail

PopulateLaunchSpecificationInstance() public static method

Helper to populate an SDK ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification instance that will be used in an ImportInstance API request.
public static PopulateLaunchSpecificationInstance ( ImportLaunchConfiguration config ) : ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification
config ImportLaunchConfiguration Settings for the new LaunchSpecificationInstance
return Amazon.EC2.Model.ImportInstanceLaunchSpecification

PopulateVolumeDetail() public method

Helper to populate a VolumeDetail instance from the SDK that will be used in an ImportInstance or ImportVolume API request using data previously recorded in the import manifest.
public PopulateVolumeDetail ( ) : VolumeDetail
return Amazon.EC2.Model.VolumeDetail

StartInstanceConversion() public method

Initiates a conversion task to yield a new Amazon EC2 instance for a set of image file artifacts uploaded previously to Amazon S3.
public StartInstanceConversion ( ImportLaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration ) : ImportInstanceResponse
launchConfiguration ImportLaunchConfiguration Launch configuration settings for the imported instance
return Amazon.EC2.Model.ImportInstanceResponse

StartVolumeConversion() public method

Initiates a conversion task to yield a new EBS volume for a set of image file artifacts uploaded previously to Amazon S3.
public StartVolumeConversion ( string availabilityZone, string description ) : ImportVolumeResponse
availabilityZone string The Availability Zone for the resulting Amazon EBS volume.
description string An optional description for the volume being imported.
return Amazon.EC2.Model.ImportVolumeResponse

Upload() public method

Constructs the import manifest for the image and then uploads it and the virtual machine image or disk image to Amazon S3. The S3 key to the uploaded manifest file is returned.

If an error occurs during upload of the image file the RetainArtifactsOnUploadError property governs whether the partially uploaded content is deleted or retained. If the content is retained, the import can be resumed. By default the RetainArtifactsOnUploadError property is false and the content deleted, avoiding storage charges for potentially orphaned content if the command is not re-run.

public Upload ( string imageFilepath ) : string
imageFilepath string The full path to the image file to be processed
return string

Upload() public method

Constructs the import manifest for the image and then uploads it and the virtual machine image or disk image to Amazon S3. The S3 key to the uploaded manifest file is returned.

If an error occurs during upload of the image file the RetainArtifactsOnUploadError property governs whether the partially uploaded content is deleted or retained. If the content is retained, the import can be resumed. By default the RetainArtifactsOnUploadError property is false and the content deleted, avoiding storage charges for potentially orphaned content if the command is not re-run.

public Upload ( string imageFilepath, string fileFormat, long volumeSize, string keyPrefix, ImportProgressCallback progressCallback, bool resumeUpload ) : string
imageFilepath string The full path to the image file to be processed
fileFormat string /// The format of the image file (VMDK | RAW | VHD). If not specified, it will be inferred /// from the extension of the image file. ///
volumeSize long /// The requested size (in GiB) for the resulting image volume. If not specified a suitable /// value based on the size of the image file is used. Note that if importing a disk image that /// will be used as an EC2 instance, the minimum required boot volume size is 8GB. ///
keyPrefix string /// Optional root-level key prefix that will be applied to the uploaded artifacts in S3. /// The artifacts will be placed beneath this (or the root if not set) in a key composed /// of a GUID. ///
progressCallback ImportProgressCallback Optional callback delegate for upload progress reporting
resumeUpload bool /// Set this to true if a previous upload failed part-way through processing and RetainArtifactsOnUploadError /// was set to true so the partially uploaded content was retained. The existing manifest will /// be inspected and uploads will resume of the retaining content. ///
return string