C# Class Accord.InterlockedEx

An extension of System.Threading.Interlocked providing atomic operations such as Add and Increment to floating point numbers.
ファイルを表示 Open project: accord-net/framework

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( double &location1, double value ) : double

Adds two 32-bit floating point values and replaces the first double value with their sum, as an atomic operation.

Increment ( double &location1 ) : double

Increments a specified variable and stores the result, as an atomic operation.

Method Details

Add() public static method

Adds two 32-bit floating point values and replaces the first double value with their sum, as an atomic operation.
public static Add ( double &location1, double value ) : double
location1 double The first variable to be added.
value double The second variable to be added.
return double

Increment() public static method

Increments a specified variable and stores the result, as an atomic operation.
public static Increment ( double &location1 ) : double
location1 double The variable to be incremented.
return double