C# Class Accord.Imaging.Moments.CentralMoments

Central image moments.
Inheritance: IMoments
ファイルを表示 Open project: accord-net/framework Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CentralMoments ( Bitmap image, Rectangle area, int order = DefaultOrder ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.

CentralMoments ( Bitmap image, int order = DefaultOrder ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.

CentralMoments ( RawMoments moments ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.

CentralMoments ( UnmanagedImage image, Rectangle area, int order = DefaultOrder ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.

CentralMoments ( float image, Rectangle area, int order = DefaultOrder ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.

CentralMoments ( float image, int order = DefaultOrder ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.

CentralMoments ( int order = DefaultOrder ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.

Compute ( RawMoments moments ) : void

Computes the center moments from the specified raw moments.

Compute ( UnmanagedImage image, Rectangle area ) : void

Computes the center moments for the specified image.

Compute ( float image, Rectangle area ) : void

Computes the center moments for the specified image.

GetOrientation ( ) : float

Gets the orientation of the ellipse containing the image.

GetSize ( ) : SizeF

Gets the size of the ellipse containing the image.

GetSizeAndOrientation ( float &angle ) : SizeF

Gets both size and orientation of the ellipse containing the image.

Method Details

CentralMoments() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.
public CentralMoments ( Bitmap image, Rectangle area, int order = DefaultOrder ) : System
image System.Drawing.Bitmap The image whose moments should be computed.
area System.Drawing.Rectangle The region of interest in the image to compute moments for.
order int The maximum order for the moments.
return System

CentralMoments() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.
public CentralMoments ( Bitmap image, int order = DefaultOrder ) : System
image System.Drawing.Bitmap The image whose moments should be computed.
order int The maximum order for the moments.
return System

CentralMoments() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.
public CentralMoments ( RawMoments moments ) : System
moments RawMoments The raw moments to construct central moments.
return System

CentralMoments() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.
public CentralMoments ( UnmanagedImage image, Rectangle area, int order = DefaultOrder ) : System
image AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage The image whose moments should be computed.
area System.Drawing.Rectangle The region of interest in the image to compute moments for.
order int The maximum order for the moments.
return System

CentralMoments() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.
public CentralMoments ( float image, Rectangle area, int order = DefaultOrder ) : System
image float The image whose moments should be computed.
area System.Drawing.Rectangle The region of interest in the image to compute moments for.
order int The maximum order for the moments.
return System

CentralMoments() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.
public CentralMoments ( float image, int order = DefaultOrder ) : System
image float The image whose moments should be computed.
order int The maximum order for the moments.
return System

CentralMoments() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CentralMoments class.
public CentralMoments ( int order = DefaultOrder ) : System
order int
return System

Compute() public method

Computes the center moments from the specified raw moments.
public Compute ( RawMoments moments ) : void
moments RawMoments The raw moments to use as base of calculations.
return void

Compute() public method

Computes the center moments for the specified image.
public Compute ( UnmanagedImage image, Rectangle area ) : void
image AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage The image whose moments should be computed.
area System.Drawing.Rectangle The region of interest in the image to compute moments for.
return void

Compute() public method

Computes the center moments for the specified image.
public Compute ( float image, Rectangle area ) : void
image float The image.
area System.Drawing.Rectangle The region of interest in the image to compute moments for.
return void

GetOrientation() public method

Gets the orientation of the ellipse containing the image.
public GetOrientation ( ) : float
return float

GetSize() public method

Gets the size of the ellipse containing the image.
public GetSize ( ) : SizeF
return System.Drawing.SizeF

GetSizeAndOrientation() public method

Gets both size and orientation of the ellipse containing the image.
public GetSizeAndOrientation ( float &angle ) : SizeF
angle float The angle of orientation of the ellipse, in radians.
return System.Drawing.SizeF