C# Class API.WebClients.TransitClient

Merges data obtained from Connexionz and Google Transit and makes it ready for delivery to clients.
Inheritance: ITransitClient
ファイルを表示 Open project: RikkiGibson/Corvallis-Bus-Server

Public Methods

Method Description
CreatePlatformTags ( ) : int>.Dictionary

Maps a platform number (5-digit number shown on real bus stop signs) to a platform tag (3-digit internal Connexionz identifier).

CreateRoutes ( ) : List
CreateSchedule ( ) : ServerBusSchedule

Creates a bus schedule based on Google Transit data.

CreateStaticData ( ) : BusStaticData
CreateStops ( ) : List
GetEta ( int platformTag ) : Task

Private Methods

Method Description
InterpolateSchedule ( ConnexionzRoute connexionzRoute, List schedule ) : List>>.List

Fabricates a bunch of schedule information for a route on a particular day.

RoundToNearestMinute ( System.TimeSpan source ) : System.TimeSpan
ShouldAppendDirection ( ConnexionzPlatform platform, List platforms ) : bool

Method Details

CreatePlatformTags() public method

Maps a platform number (5-digit number shown on real bus stop signs) to a platform tag (3-digit internal Connexionz identifier).
public CreatePlatformTags ( ) : int>.Dictionary
return int>.Dictionary

CreateRoutes() public method

public CreateRoutes ( ) : List
return List

CreateSchedule() public method

Creates a bus schedule based on Google Transit data.
public CreateSchedule ( ) : ServerBusSchedule
return ServerBusSchedule

CreateStaticData() public method

public CreateStaticData ( ) : BusStaticData
return API.Models.BusStaticData

CreateStops() public method

public CreateStops ( ) : List
return List

GetEta() public method

public GetEta ( int platformTag ) : Task
platformTag int
return Task