C# Class tk2dCamera, Malisse

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
ファイルを表示 Open project: Collegiennes/Malisse Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
enableResolutionOverrides bool
inst tk2dCamera,
nativeResolutionHeight int
nativeResolutionWidth int
resolutionOverride tk2dCameraResolutionOverride[],

Private Properties

Property Type Description
Awake void
LateUpdate void

Public Methods

Method Description
UpdateCameraMatrix ( ) : void

Updates the camera matrix to ensure 1:1 pixel mapping

Private Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void
LateUpdate ( ) : void

Method Details

UpdateCameraMatrix() public method

Updates the camera matrix to ensure 1:1 pixel mapping
public UpdateCameraMatrix ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

enableResolutionOverrides public_oe property

public bool enableResolutionOverrides
return bool

inst public_oe static_oe property

Global instance, used by sprite and textmesh class to quickly find the tk2dCamera instance.
public static tk2dCamera, inst
return tk2dCamera,

nativeResolutionHeight public_oe property

Native resolution height of the camera. Override this in the inspector.
public int nativeResolutionHeight
return int

nativeResolutionWidth public_oe property

Native resolution width of the camera. Override this in the inspector.
public int nativeResolutionWidth
return int

resolutionOverride public_oe property

Resolution overrides, if necessary. See tk2dCameraResolutionOverride
public tk2dCameraResolutionOverride[], resolutionOverride
return tk2dCameraResolutionOverride[],