C# Class UNETFirstPersonController, UnetCharacterController

Inheritance: NetworkBehaviour
ファイルを表示 Open project: lucasmontec/UnetCharacterController

Public Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AddReconciliation ( ReconciliationEntry entry ) : void
CalcSpeed ( float &speed ) : void

This calculates the player speed on the server side.

Crouch ( ) : void

Sets the height and the center of the hitbox to be lower, to make the character crouch.

FixedUpdate ( ) : void
GetInput ( float &speed ) : void
GetState ( ) : string

This is a debug method that gets all state variables that are involved in player movement.

HorizontalMovement ( bool A, bool D ) : sbyte

Checks if any horizontal movement has been applied. Converts the bool values to a single byte.

PlayFootStepAudio ( ) : void
PlayJumpSound ( ) : void
PlayLandingSound ( ) : void
PlayerMovement ( float speed ) : void

SHARED Using a given input and gravity, moves the player object. This can be used both in server side and client side. This needs that the variables m_Input, m_Jump, m_JumpSpeed are updated

PlayerMovement ( float speed, bool grounded, Vector3 position, float rotationYaw ) : void

CLIENT-SIDE RECONCILIATION MOVEPLAYER Using a given input and gravity, moves the player object.

ProgressStepCycle ( float speed ) : void
ReturnSpeed ( ) : float

Returns the player current speed movement, considering if it is crouching, walking or running.

RotateView ( ) : void
RpcClientReceivePosition ( double inputStamp, Vector3 pos, Vector3 movementVector ) : void
SendMessages ( ) : void
ServerProcessInput ( NetworkMessage, netMsg ) : void
SimInput ( float &speed ) : void
Start ( ) : void
Uncrouch ( ) : void

Returns the height and the center of the hitbox to its default values.

Update ( ) : void
VerticalMovement ( bool W, bool S ) : sbyte

Checks if any vertical movement has been applied. Converts the bool values to a single byte.

Method Details

Awake() public method

public Awake ( ) : void
return void