C# Class ProxyPlayer, GameProject

This implemtation of AbstractPlayer is for the Proxy version of the Player (the 'other' players in the scene). Its functions mostly just send Bolt events to eventually call the same functions on the corresponding OwnerPlayer.
Inheritance: AbstractPlayer
ファイルを表示 Open project: EECS390IndieTeam/GameProject Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Die ( string killer, int weaponID ) : void
MoveTo ( Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation ) : void
RespawnAt ( Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation ) : void
TakeDamage ( float Damage, string attackerName, Vector3 direction, int weaponID ) : void

Method Details

Die() public method

public Die ( string killer, int weaponID ) : void
killer string
weaponID int
return void

MoveTo() public method

public MoveTo ( Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation ) : void
position Vector3
rotation Quaternion
return void

RespawnAt() public method

public RespawnAt ( Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation ) : void
position Vector3
rotation Quaternion
return void

TakeDamage() public method

public TakeDamage ( float Damage, string attackerName, Vector3 direction, int weaponID ) : void
Damage float
attackerName string
direction Vector3
weaponID int
return void