C# Class PointCloudGUIController, project-tango-poc

FPS counter.
Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
ファイルを表示 Open project: stetro/project-tango-poc

Public Properties

Property Type Description
m_pointcloud TangoPointCloud,
m_tangoPoseController TangoDeltaPoseController,

Public Methods

Method Description
OnGUI ( ) : void

Unity GUI callback.

Start ( ) : void

Use this for initialization.

Update ( ) : void

Update is called once per frame.

Private Methods

Method Description
_GetLogginStringFromFrameDeltaTime ( float frameDeltaTime ) : string

Return a string to get logging of FrameDeltaTime.

_GetLoggingStringFromFrameCount ( int frameCount ) : string

Return a string to the get logging from frame count.

_GetLoggingStringFromPoseStatus ( TangoEnums status ) : string

Construct readable string from TangoPoseStatusType.

_GetLoggingStringFromQuaternion ( Quaternion quat ) : string

Reformat string from quaternion type for data logging.

_GetLoggingStringFromVec3 ( Vector3 vec ) : string

Reformat string from vector3 type for data logging.

Method Details

OnGUI() public method

Unity GUI callback.
public OnGUI ( ) : void
return void

Start() public method

Use this for initialization.
public Start ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

Update is called once per frame.
public Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

m_pointcloud public_oe property

public TangoPointCloud, m_pointcloud
return TangoPointCloud,

m_tangoPoseController public_oe property

public TangoDeltaPoseController, m_tangoPoseController
return TangoDeltaPoseController,