C# Class MIM_App1, API-Platform

This application allows the AT&T subscriber access to message related data stored in the AT&T Messages environment.
Inheritance: System.Web.UI.Page
ファイルを表示 Open project: attdevsupport/API-Platform

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetHeaderButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event, that gets called when user clicks on Get message headers button, performs validations and initiates api call to get header messages.

GetMessageContent_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event, that gets called when user clicks on Get message content button, performs validations and initiates api call to get message content

Page_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

This function is called when the application page is loaded into the web browser.

Private Methods

Method Description
BypassCertificateError ( ) : void

Neglect the ssl handshake error with authentication server

DisplayGrid ( MessageHeaderList, messageHeaders ) : void

Displays the deserialized output to a grid

DrawPanelForFailure ( Panel panelParam, string message ) : void

Displays error message

DrawPanelForSuccess ( Panel panelParam, string message ) : void

Displays success message

GetAccessToken ( AccessTokenType type ) : bool

Get access token based on the type parameter type values.

GetAuthCode ( ) : void

Redirect to OAuth and get Authorization Code

GetHeaderDataTable ( ) : DataTable

Creates a datatable with message header columns

GetMessageContentByIDnPartNumber ( ) : void

Gets the message content for MMS messages based on Message ID and Part Number

GetMessageHeaders ( ) : void

Retreives the message headers based on headerCount and inderCursor

GetSessionValues ( ) : bool

Get session values, user supplied and assign to controls.

IsTokenValid ( ) : string

Validates access token related variables

ReadAndGetAccessToken ( ) : bool

Reads access token information from session and validates the token and based on validity, the method will redirect to auth server/return the access token

ReadConfigFile ( ) : bool

Read parameters from configuraton file

ReadTokenSessionVariables ( ) : bool

Reads access token related session variables to local variables

ResetTokenSessionVariables ( ) : void

This function resets access token related session variable to null

ResetTokenVariables ( ) : void

This function resets access token related variable to null

Method Details

GetHeaderButton_Click() protected method

Event, that gets called when user clicks on Get message headers button, performs validations and initiates api call to get header messages.
protected GetHeaderButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object object that initiated this method
e EventArgs Event Agruments
return void

GetMessageContent_Click() protected method

Event, that gets called when user clicks on Get message content button, performs validations and initiates api call to get message content
protected GetMessageContent_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object object that initiated this method
e EventArgs Event Agruments
return void

Page_Load() protected method

This function is called when the application page is loaded into the web browser.
protected Page_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object object, that caused this event
e EventArgs Event that invoked this function
return void