C# (CSharp) StompNet.IO Namespace


Name Description
FrameWriterExtensions So, you do not like using CancellationTokens :D. Use this extension!
Stomp12Client STOMP 1.2 Client. ATTENTION: This is a disposable class.
Stomp12FrameWriter Frame writer for Stomp 1.2. This class is not thread-safe. For thread-safety use StompSerialFrameWriter as a wrapper of this one.
StompClient Stomp Client. ATTENTION: This is a disposable class.
StompFrameObservable Implementation of a wrapper of an IStompFrameReader into an IStompFrameObservable.
StompFrameWriterWithConfirmation A wrapper of an IStompFrameWriter (plus an IStompFrameObservable) that waits for the receipt confirmation frame before returning. If a receipt message is not received, the message is re-send in intervals of 30 seconds. The default retry interval can be changed at the constructor. This wrapper also handles the case for connect and connected frames. As the second one is the confirmation of the first one. Receipt header "~connect" is reserved. (quotation marks for clarification). Receipt headers should not be reused. It may produce unexpected results. The receipt header is assumed to already come with the frame to be written on the stream.
StompSerialFrameReader Wrapper around an IStompFrameReader for thread-safety. STOMP frames will be read in a sequential/serial FIFO manner.
StompSerialFrameWriter Wrapper around an IStompFrameWriter for thread-safety. STOMP frames will be written in a sequential/serial FIFO manner.