C# (CSharp) S7.Net.Types Namespace


Name Description
Boolean Contains the methods to read, set and reset bits inside bytes
Byte Contains the methods to convert from bytes to byte arrays
Class Contains the methods to convert a C# class to S7 data types
Counter Contains the conversion methods to convert Counter from S7 plc to C# ushort (UInt16).
DWord Contains the conversion methods to convert DWord from S7 plc to C#.
DataItem Create an instance of a memory block that can be read by using ReadMultipleVars
Double Contains the conversion methods to convert Real from S7 plc to C# double.
Int Contains the conversion methods to convert Int from S7 plc to C#.
String Contains the methods to convert from S7 strings to C# strings
Struct Contains the method to convert a C# struct to S7 data types
Timer Converts the Timer data type to C# data type
Word Contains the conversion methods to convert Words from S7 plc to C#.