C# (CSharp) Rebel.Cms.Web.Mvc.ActionFilters Namespace


Name Description
AbstractTempDataCookieFilter An abstract ActionFilter used to store temporary cookie data that is only persisted for one redirect
MenuItemsPermissionFilterAttribute Filters out the tree nodes Menu Items based on permissions
MergeModelStateToChildActionAttribute When a ChildAction is executing and we want the ModelState from the Parent context to be merged in to help with validation, this filter can be used.
PersistTabIndexOnRedirectAttribute This checks if the result is a RedirectToRouteResult and if so appends a 'tabindex' query string with the 'ActiveTabIndex' parameter in the ValueProvider (the key can be customized)
ProxyableResultAttribute When using the ProxyRequestToController methods and you wish to receive the typed 'ActionResult' (TResult) result from the proxy, then this filter must be used.
QueryStringFilterAttribute Allows an Action to execute with an arbitrary number of QueryStrings
RebelAuthorizeAttribute Ensures authorization occurs for the action or controller, if not this redirects to the correct login URL for the back-office
RequiredFieldAttribute Makes an action method only respond if particular form field(s) is included in the request
SaveAttribute Specific action to support the Save operation
SuccessfulOnRedirectAttribute This checks if the result is a RedirectToRouteResult and if so either: - appends a 'success' query string with the parameter specified in the RouteData - Or, if a cookie is chosen, a new cookie will be created with the value of the parameter specified in the RouteData and a 'success' query string will be appended with the cookie id that was created
SupportsPathGeneration A filter to generate a HiveId Json path which is stored in a cookie which is referenced by a query string Id. This path is used to sync the tree in the UI to the path that is generated.