C# (CSharp) PERWAPI Namespace


Name Description
AddressConstant Constant for a memory address
Array The IL Array type
ArrayConst Constant array
Assembly Descriptor for an assembly (.assembly)
AssemblyRef A reference to an external assembly (.assembly extern)
BoolConst Boolean constant
BoundArray Multi dimensional array with explicit bounds
CILInstruction Descriptor for an IL instruction
CILInstructions The IL instructions for a method
CILInstructions.CodeBlock Stores the details of a given code block
CalliSig Signature for calli instruction
Catch The descriptor for a catch clause (.catch)
Class The base descriptor for a class
ClassDef The descriptor for a class defined in the IL (.class) in the current assembly/module
ClassLayout Layout information for a class (.class [sequential | explicit])
ClassRef Descriptor for a class/interface declared in another module of THIS assembly, or in another assembly.
CloseScope A marker instruction for when a scope should be closed.
Constant Descriptor for a constant value, to be written in the blob heap
ConstantBinding Used to delcare constants that exist in a given scope.
ConstantElem Summary description for ConstantElem.
ConstructedTypeSpec wrapper for TypeSpec parent of MethodRef or FieldRef
CouldNotFindMaxStackDepth When the maximum stack depth could not be found dynamically.
CustomAttribute Descriptor for a Custom Attribute (.custom)
CustomModifiedType Descriptor for a custom modifier of a type (modopt or modreq)
DataConstant Descriptor for a constant value
DebugLocalSig Stores the signature for the debug info for a local variable.
DeclSecurity Descriptor for security permissions for a class or a method NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
DefiningScope A scope for definitions
DescriptorException Error with descriptor types
Diag Diagnostic
Event Descriptor for an event
ExternClass Descriptor for a class defined in another module of THIS assembly and exported (.class extern)
Fault Descriptor for a fault block (.fault)
Feature Base class for Event and Property descriptors
Field Descriptor for a field of a class
FieldDef Descriptor for a field defined in a class of an assembly/module
FieldLayout Descriptor for layout information for a field
FieldMarshal Marshalling information for a field or param
FieldRVA Descriptor for the address of a field's value in the PE file
FieldRef Descriptor for a field of a class defined in another assembly/module
FileImage Image for a PEFile File Structure DOS Header (128 bytes) PE Signature ("PE\0\0") PEFileHeader (20 bytes) PEOptionalHeader (224 bytes) SectionHeaders (40 bytes * NumSections) Sections .text (always present - contains metadata) .sdata (contains any initialised data in the file - may not be present) (for ilams /debug this contains the Debug table) .reloc (always present - in pure CIL only has one fixup) others??? c# produces .rsrc section containing a Resource Table .text layout IAT (single entry 8 bytes for pure CIL) CLIHeader (72 bytes) CIL instructions for all methods (variable size) MetaData Root (20 bytes + UTF-8 Version String + quad align padding) StreamHeaders (8 bytes + null terminated name string + quad align padding) Streams #~ (always present - holds metadata tables) #Strings (always present - holds identifier strings) #US (Userstring heap) #Blob (signature blobs) #GUID (guids for assemblies or Modules) ImportTable (40 bytes) ImportLookupTable(8 bytes) (same as IAT for standard CIL files) Hint/Name Tables with entry "_CorExeMain" for .exe file and "_CorDllMain" for .dll (14 bytes) ASCII string "mscoree.dll" referenced in ImportTable (+ padding = 16 bytes) Entry Point (0xFF25 followed by 4 bytes 0x400000 + RVA of .text) #~ stream structure Header (24 bytes) Rows (4 bytes * numTables) Tables
Filter The descriptor for a filter clause (.filter)
Finally Descriptor for a finally block (.finally)
GenericParam Descriptor for
GenericParamConstraint Descriptor for GenericParamConstraint
Hex Facilities for outputting hexadecimal strings
ImplMap Descriptor for pinvoke information for a method
InstructionException Error with a CIL instruction
InterfaceImpl Descriptor for interface implemented by a class
InvalidStackDepth When the stack depth is not valid for the current position.
Line Defines a line instruction.
Local Descriptor for a local of a method
LocalBinding A local binding instruction that can be added to a list of CILInstructions.
LocalSig Descriptor for the locals for a method
MSCorLib The assembly for mscorlib.
ManagedPointer Descriptor for a managed pointer (type & or byref)
ManifestResource Descriptor for resources used in this PE file NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
MapElem Base class for elements in the PropertyMap, EventMap and NestedClass MetaData tables
Member Base class for field/methods (member of a class)
MetaData MetaData Root (20 bytes + UTF-8 Version String + quad align padding) StreamHeaders (8 bytes + null terminated name string + quad align padding) Streams #~ (always present - holds metadata tables) #Strings (always present - holds identifier strings) #US (Userstring heap) #Blob (signature blobs) #GUID (guids for assemblies or Modules)
MetaDataElement Base class for all Meta Data table elements
MetaDataInStream Stream in the Meta Data (#Strings, #US, #Blob and #GUID)
MetaDataStream Stream in the generated Meta Data (#Strings, #US, #Blob and #GUID)
MethPtrType Descriptor for a FunctionPointer type
Method Base class for Method Descriptors
MethodDef Descriptor for a method defined in THIS assembly/module IL .method
MethodImpl Descriptor for an overriding method (.override)
MethodRef Descriptor for a method defined in another assembly/module
MethodSemantics Descriptor for Property and Event methods
MethodSpec Descriptor for an Instantiation of a generic method
Module Descriptor for a module
ModuleFile Descriptor for a file referenced in THIS assembly/module (.file)
ModuleRef Descriptor for a module in an assembly
NativeType Descriptors for native types used for marshalling
NestedClassDef Descriptor for a Nested Class defined in an assembly
NestedClassRef Descriptor for a reference to a Nested Class
NotYetImplementedException Exception for features yet to be implemented
OpenScope A marker instruction for when a scope should be opened in the sequence of instructions.
PDBDocument A PDB document is a source file.
PDBMethod Defines debug information for a method.
PDBReader Read a given PDB file.
PDBScope Defines a scope in which local variables exist.
PDBSequencePoint Defines a reference to one section of code to be highlighted when stepping through in debug mode. Typically one line of code.
PDBVariable A PDB variable object. Stores debug information about a variable.
PDBWriter Writes PDB files
PDBWriter.Document A source file document.
PDBWriter.LocalBinding A local binding.
PDBWriter.Method A method.
PDBWriter.Scope A scope.
PDBWriter.SequencePointList A list of sequence points.
PEFile Base class for the PEFile (starting point)
PEFileException Error for invalid PE file
Param Descriptor for a parameter of a method defined in this assembly/module
PrimitiveType Descriptor for the Primitive types defined in IL
Property Descriptor for the Property of a class
PtrType Descriptor for an pointer (type * or type &)
ReferenceScope A scope for descriptors which are referenced
ResolutionScope Base class for scopes (extended by Module, ModuleRef, Assembly, AssemblyRef)
ResourceFile Descriptor for a file containing a managed resource
Section Descriptor for a Section in a PEFile eg .text, .sdata
Signature Base descriptor for signature blobs
SourceFile Descriptor for a file containing a managed resource
SystemClass Descriptor for a class defined in System (mscorlib)
TableRow Abstract class to represent a row of the Meta Data Tables
TryBlock The descriptor for a guarded block (.try)
Type Base class for all IL types
TypeSignatureException Error in a type signature
UnmanagedPointer Descriptor for an unmanaged pointer (type *)
ZeroBasedArray Single dimensional array with zero lower bound