Name |
Description |
OctopusDeserializationException |
OctopusException |
Base class for all exceptions thrown by the Octopus client. |
OctopusExceptionFactory |
Factory for mapping HTTP errors into Octopus exceptions. |
OctopusExceptionFactory.OctopusErrorsContract |
Error contract for error responses. |
OctopusMethodNotAllowedFoundException |
An exception thrown when the Octopus Server responds with HTTP 405, which indicates that the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) is not supported on the specified resource. |
OctopusResourceNotFoundException |
An exception thrown when the Octopus Server responds with HTTP 404, such as when the specified resource does not exist on the server. |
OctopusSecurityException |
An exception thrown when the Octopus Server responds with HTTP 401 or 403, indicating that the current user's API key was not valid, their account is disabled, or they don't have permission to perform the specified action. |
OctopusServerException |
An exception thrown when the Octopus Server responds with HTTP 500 or any other error, indicating that there was a problem processing the request. |
OctopusValidationException |
An exception thrown when there was a problem with the request (usually a HTTP 400). |
UnsupportedApiVersionException |
An exception thrown when the Octopus Server supports a version of the API that is incompatible with this class library. |