Name |
Description |
AmbientLight |
AttributeStackClient |
AttributeStackServer |
BracketLineDrawing |
BracketLineLoopDrawing |
BracketLineStripDrawing |
BracketLinesDrawing |
BracketPointDrawing |
BracketPolygonDrawing |
BracketQuadStripDrawing |
BracketQuadsDrawing |
BracketTriangleFanDrawing |
BracketTriangleStripDrawing |
BracketTrianglesDrawing |
BufferObjectIndices |
The BufferObjectIndices uses a target of BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer. It is best to indices for drawing elements. |
BufferObjectVertices |
The BufferObjectVertices uses a target of BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer. It is best to store any vertex attributes, such as vertex coordinates, texture coordinates, normals and color component arrays. |
Camera |
ClientAttributeStack |
DynamicTexture |
GIObject |
GL |
GLAccumBuffer |
GLAffectLightSpot |
GLApplication |
GLArrayFeature |
GLAspect |
GLAspectList |
GLAspectPoints |
GLAspectPolygon |
GLBlendFunc |
GLBracketDrawing |
GLBufferList |
GLBufferLockedBytes |
GLBufferObject |
GLClientFeatureList |
GLClientStateFeature |
GLControl |
GLDepthBuffer |
GLDisplayList |
GLException |
GLExtensions |
GLFeature |
GLFeatureAlphaTest |
GLFeatureAutoNormal |
GLFeatureBlend |
GLFeatureColorArray |
GLFeatureColorMaterial |
GLFeatureColorSum |
GLFeatureCullFace |
GLFeatureDepthTest |
GLFeatureDither |
GLFeatureEdgeArray |
GLFeatureFog |
GLFeatureIndexArray |
GLFeatureLighting |
GLFeatureLineSmooth |
GLFeatureList |
The list of features that are in the Graphics Interface. Features can be enabled and disabled. They may contain hints, and other related aspects. |
GLFeatureMap1Vertex3 |
GLFeatureMap2Vertex3 |
GLFeatureMap2Vertex4 |
GLFeatureNormalArray |
GLFeaturePointSmooth |
GLFeaturePointSprite |
GLFeaturePolygonSmooth |
GLFeatureTextureCoordArray |
GLFeatureTextureGenS |
GLFeatureTextureGenT |
GLFeatureVertexArray |
GLFrameBuffer |
GLFrameBufferObject |
GLFrustum |
GLHintedFeature |
GLInfoStrings |
GLLight |
GLLightAttenuation |
GLLightModel |
GLMaterial |
GLModel |
GLNameStack |
GLOrthographicCamera |
GLPerspectiveCamera |
GLPrimitiveDrawing |
GLProjectionCamera |
This is the base class for all cameras. What they all have in common is: Location, LookAt, Up Beyond these basics, they apply their own transforms on a scene. |
GLRenderBuffer |
GLRenderTarget |
A GLRenderTarget is the encapsulation of a simple frame buffer object. The simplest frame buffer has a color buffer, and a depth buffer. It is constructed given a width and height in pixels. Usage: GLRenderTarget myTarget = new GLRenderTarget(width, height); myTarget.Bind(); // Do whatever rendering you want myTarget.Unbind(); The ColorBuffer property will contain the rendered color information. |
GLRenderable |
GLSLFragmentShader |
GLSLGeometryShader |
GLSLShader |
GLSLUniformVariable |
GLSLVertexShader |
GLShadingModel |
GLState |
GLStencilBuffer |
GLTextHelper |
GLTexture |
GLTexture2D |
GLTextureEnvironment |
GLTextureRectangle |
GLTextureUnit |
The GPU may have multiple texture units. By definition there is at least one, and in many cases there will be multiple. When a texture is 'bound', it is bound to a specific texture unit. TextureUnit0, is the default texture unit. In order to access a texture from within GLSL code, the texture is referenced based on the TextureUnit that it is bound to. So, for example, a texture that is bound to TextureUnit3 would be accessed in a sampler2D using the ordinal value '3'. The property 'OrdinalForShaders' gives this value. |
GLTriangle |
GLUCube |
GLUCylinder |
GLUDisk |
GLUSphere |
GLUTorus |
GLVertex |
GLView |
GLViewer |
GLWindow |
Class: GLWindow |
Glu |
GraphicsInterface |
HyperbolicInterpolation |
Matrix4 |
MatrixNotInvertableException |
Mesh3D |
PackAlignmentCmd |
PackLsbFirstCmd |
PackRowLengthCmd |
PackSkipPixelsCmd |
PackSkipRowsCmd |
PackSwapBytesCmd |
PixelBufferObjectPacked |
PixelBufferObjectUnpacked |
PixelStoreBoolCommand |
PixelStoreCommand |
PixelStoreIntCommand |
SpotLight |
TextureCoordinates |
TextureHelper |
Texturing2D |
UnpackAlignmentCmd |
UnpackLsbFirstCmd |
UnpackRowLengthCmd |
UnpackSkipPixelsCmd |
UnpackSkipRowsCmd |
UnpackSwapBytesCmd |
Vector2d |
Vector2i |
Viewport |
A Viewport contains the parameters necessary to define a section of the Backing Buffer. The coordinates are in screen space. The minZ and maxZ values represent values in the Depth buffer. |
float3 |
float3x3 |
float3x4 |
float4 |
float4x3 |
float4x4 |
float4x4Exception |