Name |
Description |
ApartmentAttribute |
Assert |
The Assert class contains a collection of static methods that implement the most common assertions used in NUnit. |
AssertionException |
AsynchronousAttribute |
AuthorAttribute |
Be |
BugAttribute |
CategoryAttribute |
CollectionAssert |
CombinatorialAttribute |
CombiningStrategyAttribute |
Contain |
Contains |
Static helper class used in the constraint-based syntax |
DirectoryAssert |
Summary description for DirectoryAssert |
Does |
Helper class with properties and methods that supply a number of constraints used in Asserts. |
ExpectedExceptionAttribute |
ExplicitAttribute |
FileAssert |
Summary description for FileAssert. |
Have |
IgnoreAttribute |
IgnoreException |
IncludeExcludeAttribute |
Abstract base for Attributes that are used to include tests in the test run based on environmental settings. |
InconclusiveException |
ListMapper |
ListMapper is used to transform a collection used as an actual argument producing another collection to be used in the assertion. |
MultipleAssertException |
NoExpectedException |
PairwiseAttribute |
PlatformAttribute |
PropertyAttribute |
Randomizer |
Randomizer returns a set of random values in a repeatable way, to allow re-running of tests if necessary. |
RepeatAttribute |
RequiresMTAAttribute |
RequiresSTAAttribute |
RequiresThreadAttribute |
ResultStateException |
RetryAttribute |
RetryAttribute.RetryCommand |
The test command for the RetryAttribute |
SequentialAttribute |
SetCultureAttribute |
SetUICultureAttribute |
ShouldExtensions |
Simple extension methods allowing us to use NUnit constraints as: "foo".Should(Be.StringContaining("o")); |
StringAssert |
Basic Asserts on strings. |
SuccessException |
TestAttribute |
TestCaseAttribute |
TestCaseData |
The TestCaseData class represents a set of arguments and other parameter info to be used for a parameterized test case. It provides a number of instance modifiers for use in initializing the test case. Note: Instance modifiers are getters that return the same instance after modifying it's state. |
TestCaseSourceAttribute |
TestContext |
Provide the context information of the current test. This is an adapter for the internal ExecutionContext class, hiding the internals from the user test. |
TestContext.ResultAdapter |
ResultAdapter adapts a TestResult for consumption by the user test code. |
TestContext.TestAdapter |
TestAdapter adapts a Test for consumption by the user test code. |
TestFixtureAttribute |
TestFixtureSetUpAttribute |
TestFixtureSourceAttribute |
TestFixtureTearDownAttribute |
TestModificationAttribute |
The abstract base class for all NUnitAttributes that modify to a test once it has been constructed. It is used by the framework to select all test-modifying attributes on a test. |
TimeoutAttribute |
ValuesAttribute |